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Tranfering / Moving Domain Name

  • @blastblast


    Hi BuddyPress,

    I’ve been researching and learning about building a BP site- however the domain name I want is at an auction where the seller made clear to me that he won’t select the bid until the auction ends 3 months from now.

    My question is – will I be able to purchase a domain name and start tweaking/building my BuddyPress site and then 3 months from now, transfer it to a new domain name?
    If yes, can you tell me what it would entail and it is a fairly simple process or quite technical?

    Thank you for the help

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  • @ubernaut


    all of that is handled by the wordpress side of things, buddypress shouldn’t have any trouble handling a domain change. obviously any permalinks would change however.



    There is a Codex page which will talk you through the steps you need to do when the time comes…



    BP also hard-codes urls all over the place instead of making them relative.
    Dunno why. Perhaps there is some setting to avoid this?
    And what about serialized strings?

    So use this:
    search / replace



    Hi, so because of my lack of experiences with code and BP, the Codex instructions seems quite complicated. Are there any other ways I can move the content from one domain to another?



    There isn’t a button or setting that will move everything for you. You could pay someone to do it if you’re not comfortable with doing it yourself. The cost involved for moving a stand-alone WordPress install (files and db) should be reasonable.



    You’ve chosen to go down the DIY route, I’m afraid that with that comes a degree of learning that must be undertaken. Generally the codex talks to a novice level so things are never that complicated but other than as Henry suggested in hiring someone to do the move you will need to bite the bullet and gain that experience, install a second test WP site use that to practice changing the DB, use a hosts file to manage domain extensions so you can work with domains at a localhost level.



    yeah the hostile trick is a good way to “trick” your computer thinking a domain exists somewhere its doesn’t thus allowing you to not need to change the domain in the first place. that being said as Hugo mentions the codex pages tend to try to address the entire learning curve of any particular process meaning that they are giving you a bunch of options on that page you don’t need to be able to follow the entire thing to employ one of the listed techniques.

    Another thing you may want to consider (depending on the amount of content your site will have prior to going public) is to simply build out on a dummy domain then reconstruct on a fresh install as soon as you are able to grab the domain. Regular wordpress content can even be exported from the construction site and then imported into the new site. Unfortunately no such process exists for buddypress data (groups, non post creating users and activity) but generally speaking those things shouldn’t take all that long to recreate unless your community section is going to be gigantic.

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