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Trouble Upgrading?

  • @jeffsayre


    Please, to everyone having upgrading issues, three points.

    First, before upgrading, always read the readme.txt file that comes with WPMU and BuddyPress. Follow the instructions carefully. Note: one important step before activating BP is to make sure that all BuddyPress-dependent plugins are first deactivated. Here is additional upgrading information.

    Second, if you have done that and experience issues, then deactivate all the other plugins before activating BuddyPress. This is often a good idea anyway. Once BP is activated, fully test it out before reactivating any of your old plugins. If you then receive error messages or are having issues with your site, it is more than likely caused by a conflict with one of the plugins you just reactivated. Make sure that you have upgraded those plugins and that they are compatible with WPMU 2.8.4a and BuddyPress v1.1.

    Finally, if you are still having issues then you need to provide us with sufficient information so that we can help you. Check the stickies at the top of the forum listings. There is a thread entitled Help us… Help you…. Click on the “Asking for support” link in that thread. Then start your own new thread and answer the questions.

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  • @jeffsayre


    *Self bump to keep this floating at the top*



    Also, it’s super important to read this document before you attempt upgrading:

    Read it, followed it to the letter – still no joy!

    I even PM’d you, but you are avoiding me, lol.

    : (



    I had to first upgrade wpmu to 2.8.4a (from 2.8.4), and then I no longer got the fatal error when I auto-upgraded the BuddyPress plugin. However, my site was blank. In reading the instructions about the themes, I saw that I needed to move files from /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes. When I went to my server, there was no bp-themes folder there. Don’t know if something happened in the auto-upgrade or if auto-upgrade installs an incomplete version of the plugin.

    I reinstalled buddypress, moved the themes from /buddypress/bp-themes to wp-content/themes (per the readme file), and I get this error message:

    You do not have any BuddyPress themes installed.

    Please move the default BuddyPress themes to their correct location (move /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /wp-content/bp-themes/) and reload this page. You can download more themes here.

    Note that the readme says:

    move the themes in “wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/” to “wp-content/themes”

    while the error message says

    move /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /wp-content/bp-themes/

    following the instructions from the error message does allow wpmu to recognize the themes–but I still have a blank site. One problem down, more to go.



    One more bit of confusion here:

    The readme states

    VERY IMPORTANT: If you are no longer using the old two-theme system from BuddyPress 1.0, please make sure to delete your /wp-content/bp-themes/ folder to activate the new one-theme setup.

    This conflicts with the error message, which says to move the new theme files to the folder that the readme tells me to delete.




    The readme.txt instructions are correct. The error message is incorrect.

    As I linked to in my first post, more information about upgrading can be found here. With regards to your particular issue, from that link:

    If you are using the default themes: Delete the /wp-content/bp-themes/ folder. Move the /bp-default/ and /bp-sn-parent/ folders from the /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ folder and put them into the folder /wp-content/themes/. Enable the BuddyPress default theme in the “Site Admin > Themes” menu. Finally, activate the BuddyPress default theme in “Appearance > Themes” for the root blog of your installation.



    Solved the blank site problem–the appearance admin page was still set to BuddyPress Default Home Theme. Once I changed the theme to BuddyPress Default 1.1, the site appears.





    @John James Jacoby, awesome–thanks for the quick response! It’s this kind of thing that makes me love the WordPress/MU community.



    Yes that error message is confusing I must say, I’ll change it for 1.1.1.



    Why don’t you make this topic sticky?



    I’m making this sticky for the time being.



    Having a similar “blank site” issue as @danbucher. I can’t even login on my site…just the blank screen.

    – Currently running wpmu to 2.8.4a

    – Manualy installed buddypress 1.1

    – Delete the /wp-content/bp-themes/ folder and moved the /bp-default/ and /bp-sn-parent/ folders

    My error_log says: “[03-Oct-2009 22:54:13] PHP Warning: require(BP_PLUGIN_DIR/bp-core/bp-core-signup.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/fashion5/public_html/wp-content/themes/denis_template/functions.php on line 70″

    Assume that I need to direct the admin page theme to the BuddyPress Default 1.1 theme. But not sure how to do this since I have a blank site.

    Any ideas? Thanks!



    Thanks – went into the site url/wp-admin and the page loaded.

    Then “Site Admin > Themes” menu. Finally, activate the BuddyPress default theme in “Appearance > Themes”



    Hi, I did the upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 and it looks ok. The only problem I have is that the “Blog” tab (to the right of the “Home” tab) on the home theme point to the wrong URL. How can I change that?



    Man my head is swirling from browsing the Forums for the right thread. I was trying to be good about not re-posting a similar topic/issue, but I give up. Hopefully this is the right spot?

    I’ve upgraded my site. All was well, but the bp default theme admin bar keeps re-directing to the homepage. I try to see my profile and it sends me to the homepage. I’ve noticed that is doing the same. I try to click on my name and it takes me to the front page. Quite discouraging. suggestions?

    I’ve tried the following, which I thought might help:

    – cleared my browser cache

    – turned off all site plugins, activate only BP

    – it is not related to bp-themes location. I’ve read all of the threads on the proper placement and the bp-default theme is displaying fine

    Please advise.



    Colorful tones: deleted the bp-themes folder in wp-content?



    Can anyone direct me to some tutorial on this:

    Hi, I did the upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 and it looks ok. The only problem I have is that the “Blog” tab (to the right of the “Home” tab) on the home theme point to the wrong URL. How can I change that?



    Andy, yes I deleted the bp-themes folder in wp-content.



    Does having the Buddypress core activated disable WPMU’s auto upgrade feature. Because I have a problem where my WPMU is stuck on an older version and the auto upgrade link at the top doesn’t appear. I would prefer to do an auto upgrade than a manual one.



    I updated to 1.1.1 and still having the same issue. Has anybody else noticed that this site is not working too? When I log in and go to any of the links in the top admin bar they all re-direct me to the front page.



    @Colorful tones

    You seem to be having a few issues getting BP installed and working properly. Please start a new thread so we can better help you. When doing so, answer these questions in the first post of that new thread.

    With regards to this issue:

    Has anybody else noticed that this site is not working too? When I log in and go to any of the links in the top admin bar they all re-direct me to the front page.

    Although you do not technically have a space in your username, you have a dash, this thread may provide some insight. Did you sign up using a space between “Colorful” and “tones”?



    @Jeff Sayre

    I’ve posted a new topic, and changed my user name.



    I tried to upgrade to 1.11 and I faced this problem

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_activity_install() (previously declared in /home2/travelq0/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php:19) in /home2/travelq0/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php on line 52

    So what do I need to do?

    and now my page has an error even if I tried to deactivate bp

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_is_blog_page() in /home2/travelq0/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_151/header.php on line 24



    I found the upgrade instructions to be incorrect for older versions of BP to be upgraded. Not exactly sure which version I was running, pre1.0 I guess.. buddypress was in “mu-plugins” (that’s where we were supposed to put it back in the day right??)

    Anyways, I could not find anyway to “deactivate buddypress” – maybe I’m losing my mind.

    So I got stuck on that part.

    I decided to backup my install, then delete all the buddypress files / folders I had in “mu-plugins”, then upgraded wordpressmu to 2.8.4a – then uploaded newer buddypress into “plugins” – so far seems to work, not sure if I lost anything, or if I would lose anything doing this on my other buddypress site.

    Any suggestions?

    I suggest a not in the upgrade instructions for anyone attempting and older bpress version upgrade.

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