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Tweetstream not working …

  • Tweetstream sounds like a sweet plugin but for me it is just not working :-(

    Installed, API Key generated, Activated and all I see is:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_multi_init() in …ServerPathToWebrrot…/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/twitter/EpiCurl.php on line 24

    What can it be? What am I doing wrong??? Anyone any ideas?????

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  • Tyler Regas


    I have recently started a new WP/BP site and was trying to use tweetstream, but it broke forums and a few other things until I turned it off. Not sure that plugin is in a usable state. I doubt this helps, but it’s nice when you know that you’re not the only person with this problem :)



    The developer says it works but I too have not been able to use this plugin for the last few versions. Try using an older version.



    I now have two broken forums on very active sites because of Tweetstream. Do the older versions work, and how can I recover the forums?

    The only error message I have is a lengthy fatal error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘EpiTwitterNotAuthorizedException’ with message ‘{“request”:”/1/statuses/update.json”,”error”:”Read-only application cannot POST”}’ in /home/drifter1/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home/drifter1/public_html/ EpiTwitterException::raise(Object(EpiCurlManager), false) #1 /home/drifter1/public_html/ EpiTwitterJson->__get(‘response’) #2 /home/drifter1/public_html/ tweetstream_twitterIt(‘okay, someone k…’) #3 /home/drifter1/public_html/ tweetstream_activityToTwitter(‘okay, someone k…’) #4 /home/drifter1/public_html/ apply_filters() in /home/drifter1/public_html/ on line 256

    Here’s mine:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘EpiTwitterNotAuthorizedException’ with message ‘{“request”:”/1/account/verify_credentials.json”,”error”:”Invalid application”}’ in /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/twitter/EpiTwitter.php:256 Stack trace: #0 /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/twitter/EpiTwitter.php(218): EpiTwitterException::raise(Object(EpiCurlManager), false) #1 /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/tweetstream-functions.php(508): EpiTwitterJson->__get(‘error’) #2 /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/tweetstream-functions.php(426): tweetstream_getTweets(‘2’, ‘http://stangsga…’) #3 /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(473): tweetstream_runCron(Object(WP)) #4 /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-includes/classes.php(510): do_action_ref_array(‘tweetstream_run…’, Array) #5 /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php(1504): WP->main(‘wp’, Array) #6 /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(14): wp() #7 /home/azhummer in /home/azhummer/public_html/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/twitter/EpiTwitter.php on line 256



    Peter – Any idea when you’ll be making available an updated version of Tweetstream? I had to turn my installation off b/c of the errors it was causing on my site. :-(



    Forums load in 1.115 seconds before Tweetstream is installed.
    Forums load in 32.225 seconds after Tweetstream is installed.

    I’m assuming it’s just not compatible with the new WP/BP combo. That’s a really long time to wait for anything to load :) Hell just troubleshooting it made me want to cry.

    Peter Hofman


    Sometimes the load is bigger then normal, thats because the import is running at that moment thats once per hour (if you set the import time on 30) In the feature it will be quicker but still working on a new mechanism for it. (will be in 1.5 or later)

    I juyst released 1.4 with some improvements, also the errors are better suppressed.

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