This sort of thing doesn’t need to be BuddyPress specific; find a WordPress plugin that does it, and it should work.
I didn’t find one so far. Thought somebody here should now it as it should be somewhat often used in communities… that’s at least what i thought 
Sidenote: any chance to get a notification when someone answers my forum posts here?
Facebook book login integration can be done with the WP-FB-Autoconnect plugin. I have tried it myself and it is a solid plugin, however FB avatar support is a tad wonky.
Really will depend on what your needs are. I am actually looking for answers to mapping profile fields between FB and BuddyPress so that I can roll my own integration.
@Helmi as Paul said, any plugins for wordpress will (should) work. and their IS alot of them (about 177 plugins come up with a search – &
Their is also a premium facebook connect plugin designed for Buddypress –
hello everyone,
i just installed Buddypress, it is up and running only for a minor hiccup. if i click on the “log in” link at the upper part of my screen, i receive page not found. but if i fill out the login form on the right side of the page, i get logged in. can anyone help out with this problem. i expect the “log in” link to display the login form, instead of the ‘page not found’ message it is displaying
Hi All,
I used WP-FB-Autoconnect plugin. It works well if any existing user logs in using FB credentials. But, it is not stopping unregistered users from logging in. Ideally, it should direct the unregistered users to the registration page for them to fill some profile fields. Is there any way I could stop unregistered users from logging in using WP-FB-Autoconnect plugin? and also to redirect the unregistered users to the registration page.? Please help.
Also, is there any better free plugin that handles registration and login effectively? I am looking for FB login/register functionality something similar to the one in Pinterest..
What is the point of using a connect plugin if a user must also register?
exactly, connect plugin doesnt redirect new users to registration page. Instead logs them in. So, is there any plugin that suits the functionality i mentioned?
If not, could you help me how to tweak the code in WP-FB-Autoconnect plugin to suit my need?
I wouldn’t mess with a plugins code but work around it. You could write a function to redirect user to profile edit page if certain fields are not entered in the profile edit form.