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Upload Profile Picture Missing

  • @bigealien



    I am Buddypress installed on my site – but for some reason the option to upload a profile picture via the profile page is missing. I have both enable profile picture and cover image options enabled in my Buddypress settings. However the profile picture upload is missing, while the cover image upload is not. I am able to successfully upload a cover image. Even when I disable cover image upload, the profile picture upload option is still missing.

    I have tried to go to the URL to see if I can get at it in a back way, but i just get an error message that the page cannot be found.

    Is this a bug? How do I fix this?

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  • @imath


    Hi @bigealien

    A possible reason could be that you deactivated the WordPress discussion setting about the avatar display. I advise you to check it within your WordPress Dashboard (see:



    Thank you so much for a reply! I attempted to do this but I could not find the ‘Discussions’ tab under Settings. You can see the Settings and its tabs in the below screenshots – perhaps it is under something else?

    I attempted to go through the whole of Settings but only found a couple of things that might be what you are referring to. Here are the screenshots. I went ahead and enabled each – but it didn’t fix the issue.

    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2

    Thank you!




    Hello, sorry I just wanted to bump this. Still haven’t found a solution.



    I just had the same problem and wanted to clarify the solution, in case anyone else stumbles upon this.

    The option that Mathieu was pointing to is not in the BuddyPress option but in the WordPress options: Settings > Discussion > Avatar.
    I normally disable avarats on all sites and was also wondering why I didn’t have that option now on my new BP site.

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