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User age profile field

  • Hi all,

    I’m super new to Buddypress and so far I’m loving the ease of use. I was just wondering, is there is a way to add a profile field that calculates a users age?

    I’m sorry if this has been posted before, I did a quick search and didn’t come up with anything of use.



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  • Sorry but I’ve got to bump




    Are you looking for a field that would take a month day year input and spit out a number? If not, why not just add an Age field in the Profile Field Setup area under Buddypress on you Admin Dashboard page. Make it a required field so users have to fill it out.



    I haven’t got an Age field, because the Age changes and the users forget to change their profile. I have a field “year of birth”

    @mrjarbenne – that is an option but ideally it should be dynamic and change as the user gets older. As nickrita said, users forget to actively change it.

    @nickrita – I have it set up like you do at the moment.

    It seems weird that a social networking plug in would not have something as rudimentary as this.

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