I can’t find how to change any of the slugs. Even if I change the ‘group’ slug to ‘clans’ it only changes like 1 thing. There are tons of buttons and pages with the word ‘group’ everywhere. Have been trying to change “group” to “clan” for days, no one seems to know how except the language file method, I guess I have to do that.
I tried doing it this way: https://codex.buddypress.org/extending-buddypress/bp-custom-php/
Never worked for me. Is there no plugin where I can just go edit the slugs? Would make this whole thing a million times easier.
You can try this https://codex.buddypress.org/extending-buddypress/customizing-labels-messages-and-urls/
Seems excessive to change every instance of the word “group” (it appears A LOT).
The slug:
<?php bp_loggedin_user_link(); ?
Here’s how you could insert it as a link in a PHP template:
<a href="”>Profile Link Text
Thank you. How would I do that on a redirect?
https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/codestyling-localization/ could be useful…
I haven’t tried it myself. It does claim buddypress compatibility…
Codestyling is a great plugin and works with BuddyPress. You do need to translate all instances of the word group since it appears on several places in different .php files in the code.