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Users abandon the site after they login, seeing WordPress backend

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  • @burtadsit


    I don’t really like the economic model that uses. It encourages a ‘rape and pillage’ type of attitude. Pay your $ for a month of access and take everything worth taking. See ya. Got what I want.

    I don’t have a moral issue with making money from support or custom coding. I want whoever it is that owns that site to make money. It’s the month of access part I have problems with. It encourages bad behavior.



    hi, would be possible to use the custom login WP plugin?

    a little photoshop can do miracle in some cases.. thougt



    I have installed and been testing this login plugin, and it’s working great so far…even allows me to configure login and logout redirects, among other things.




    function oci_login_redirect($redirect_to, $set_for, $user){

    $redirect_to = bp_core_get_userurl($user->ID);

    return $redirect_to;


    add_filter(‘login_redirect’, ‘oci_login_redirect’, 10, 3);

    How do I redirect to the user’s new blog versus their profile?




    Of all the solutions, Burt’s plugin seems to work best, and of course if we can redirect the login page to whatever page we want to, it would be even better.

    However, the only problem I have encountered with Burt’s plugin is that after I upload it, I can not access the dashboard as the administrator either! To get in the admin area, I have to remove the plugin again. Perhaps, there is a shortcut of something to avoid this.

    Sorry Burt. The questions don’t seem to end. But I guess that’s how human beings have continued to evolve, eh?

    Thank you :)




    For what it’s worth, I’m using it and I can get to the dashboard once logged in via ‘URL/wp-admin’.



    You are correct Scot;

    It worked.

    It’s perfect.

    Thank you.




    Now I’m trying to use Burt’s plugin in combo with the Block Admin plugin to prevent users from accessing the dashboard but no luck. I have new blog owners defaulted to author, and yet they still get access to the dashboard.



    hi Burt i’m testing your code locally and i’ve some problems:

    i’ve created a redirect.php page in mu-plugins folder.

    the page contains the following code (i’ve changed here php opening and closing).

    php open

    function oci_login_redirect($redirect_to, $set_for, $user){

    $redirect_to = bp_core_get_userurl($user->ID);

    return $redirect_to;


    add_filter(‘login_redirect’, ‘oci_login_redirect’, 10, 3);

    php close

    when i login, i am leaded to a 404 error page. Then, if i go “back” with the browser, i am logged.



    I noticed that burtasit’s plugin directs you to URL/members/username I need this to direct to URL/subdirectory/members/username, Is there a quick fix to my problem?



    sgrunt, what is the url that gets the 404 result?

    vito687, the fn bp_core_get_userurl() returns this:

    $bp->root_domain . '/' . MEMBERS_SLUG . '/' . $ud->user_login . '/';

    So it seems that root_domain isn’t correct for you. It should be correct. It comes from the mu backend, get_option(‘siteurl’). If your ‘path’ and ‘domain’ are correct, that’s what you should get.

    That’s what you have correct? mu installed in a subdir under the doc root: <apache root>/wpmu/?

    Check in Site Admin > Blogs > <your root blog> > Edit

    It should read ‘Domain’ and ‘Path’ /yoursubdir and in the wp_1_options it should say ‘Siteurl’



    hi Burt: i’ve uploaded on the server and it is all ok! the problem was only in my local installation and so i can live with it. Thank you!

    maybe the difference is that (i use subdirectories) in my remote server i’ve wordpressmu in the root and in the local server i have it in htdocs/mu/



    thanks for responding so fast burt, would it have something to do with the fact that im using this locally with MAMP? the path that wpmu is in is MAMP/mysite/wpmu and the home domain is my-comupter.local/mysite/wpmu/ so should it work?



    Hi Burt,

    your plugin works excellently… thanks.

    On a related note…

    if the user attempts to login with an incorrect username / password, they are thrown to the WP login screen.

    Is there a straightforward way to keep them on my BuddyPress login screen?





    THANKS Burt for the elegant hack!!

    Should be part of the core BP option set…!

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