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Users cannot register since update 2.53

  • @earl_d


    Since the update user registrations are broken. I have tried running with bare bones buddypresssimple install with just the WP 2012 or 2016 themes and nothing works. All the fields are filled out and submitted and the nothing happens just reloads registration page.
    I would appreciate any assistance I just started promoting site and now people can’t register when they go to it.

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  • @djpaul


    What version did you update from (where it was working?) 2.5.2?



    I applied the 2.53 security update when it was released. Prior to that the registration process was working with 2.52



    Originally thought it was a mobile problem because it was first reported by mobile user but now it happened with even desktop browsers. Tested for several ip addresses



    Did anything else update at the same time? Anything?

    2.5.3 contained changes to email implementation, and a security fix regarding user activation. The latter is most likely cause.

    What theme are you using? Do you have a custom registration template (did you make one)? What other plugins do you have running? Are you on multisite or regular WordPress?

    Can you think of any other useful information regarding any customisations around user or site registration?



    If you’re familiar with MySQL, and know how to do this, are you able to look in your site’s wp_users and wp_signups table, and then try to create a new account, and see if you can find it in those tables?




    As the registration process can be different according to WordPress configs, can you please provide some details about yours :
    – Multisite ? If so is BuddyPress network activated or activated on a specific blog of the network
    – Plugins ? Especially the ones that might play into the registration process.

    FYI, i’ve just rechecked on 2 freshes WordPress configs (regular & multisite) having only the BuddyPress plugin activated. Registration is working great.



    Paid Memberships Pro Last Updated: 4 days ago

    I have the same problem.



    I am running the lest version of Buddypress and WordPress on a VPS server NOT running multisite. Tiny framework is the theme I am using. However the first thing I did to trouble shoot was try to replicate problem without any plugin and using 2012 theme (which tiny frame is based on) and 2016 theme. The issues remained the same with but those thems and th social me theme.

    I will try to check the MYSQL question as I am familiar with that having done MYSQL database programming. However I have narrowed done the problem to something related to the extended profile fields component. Through trial and error and some research I surfaced the correlation which one other person seems to have referred as well. If extended profile fields are turned OFF the registration is completed and the activation email sent. If it is on the registration process is not completed. I tested this extensively turning on and off and it followed that pattern. I currently have the component turned off and users are able to register. When I turned on again I was unable to complete a registration.

    It may be unrelated but no registration spam protection plugins will work now either I have tried several with recaptcha and without and in every case the registration process short circuits.

    Thanks for any help in advance. I would like to get the extended field working again.



    This is another person experiment registration issues which seems to be connected to the extended profiles.



    I also tested BP 2.5.3 on WP 4.5.2 on a fresh install and cannot duplicate your problem, Earl_D.

    I tested with the Extended Profiles component enabled.

    Are you using any caching plugins? If so, try to disable it or whitelist the register and activate pages from caching.

    Do you have any special extended profile registration fields? If so, can you list what they are and how they are configured?



    I ran a test this morning with BP as the only plugin activated using tiny framework theme. Ran the same again two minutes ago with twenty twelve as theme. I do NOT use any special registration template only what comes with BP out of the box. This is the third time I have done that to prove convincingly that it isn’t simply plugins. Each time the result is the same. Whenever extended profile fields turned on registration does not go through.

    I have removed all the extended profile fields except the one on the Base which cannot be removed. That is display name. That is the only thing other than account name, email and password fields that shows up on the registration form.

    I am not the only one experiencing this issue I linked to support topic here on this board where someone else having the same problem.

    This is literally ruining the launch of my site all my marketing has been wasted since no one can register. If his is not a problem that can be fixed can someone PLEASE tel me how to downgrade. So all my money and effort don’t get blown away.



    I’m also having this issue. Per recommendation on these forums, the plugin I’m using to assist with registration is Theme My Login.

    I’m using ColorMag theme and the latest BP and WP…



    I’m interested to see what the cause of this problem is.

    If anyone is not scared of letting me debug on their site, please contact me.



    Can both of you try reading this and see if the same problem applies to you?

    It sounds like this might be the problem at least for @angelaq.

    So I thought I would shed some light on this issue. Since I’ve seen so many threads regarding it and I was having same issue.

    this is regarding 404 error page if you are on page profile/edit/group/1/

    Problem is group 1 is missing in your profile section.

    All you need to do is go into you DB and look for table: wp_bp_xprofile_groups

    Then look for id=2, Base

    then just change id=2 to 1 and that’s it.



    My group ID 1 is assigned to Base



    Can anyone help me to do a down downgrade since I can’t figure out the problem cause and users still having problems registering.



    You can get older versions here:



    Thank you. I have backed up my DB is there anything else to be aware of before the switchback.



    Well not exactly sure about what happened but between the update to BP2.6 and tweaking my URL setting after reading this

    BP with SSL do not send registration

    My registration seems to be working again. I had SSL installed on the site after I setup my WP/BP install. Initially changed the site and WordPress URLs in the general settings to remove https from the URL and add www. Before domain. So now URLs looked like this. Http:// Several test registrations worked as expected immediately after that was done. Since I want to try to keep site secure I went back to setting and put the https back in the URL and keep the www so now URLs look like this Https:// All test registrations still work. Will get a few more random tests in but it looks like the problem is solved. BTW I am using lets encrypt

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