Video/MP3 Upload “Album”
What about adding a Video/Mp3 upload and Album for users? Such as a little “youtube” plugin. Is there any possibility to add this to buddypress.. Could be realized like the photo albums but with music and videos..
What do you think about that?
It would be nice, but it would require some extra functionality. released as open source their video plugin suite, but I have yet to find anyone that has got it working
Some of use are using phpmotion right now for our members which does both audio and video now. It would be nice to have something and I believe that Nicola has talked about a few solutions once Andy has a chance to put the albums into the core.
I’ve planned that i’ll develope it after the albums plugin will be added
I was using phpmotion for almost a year and still have it running on my site awaiting it’s upgrade. You may want to check out social media from mediascripts. It is much more stable than phpmotion and already has all the features of the ‘vaporware’ vs. of phpmotion that we’ve been waiting on.
I’m curious if you fully integrated phpmotion login system etc into wordpressmu already, and if so how it went.
I spent almost a month ‘tweaking’ social media to get it ready for wordpressmu, then Nicola came along and decided he’s going to build a native system. So I guess I’m in limbo for a few months when it comes to video.
Sorry for the ‘hijacked’ post… I’m done LOL
My 2cents, I see that albums are an absolute necessity and a driving force behind this project, however video?
Is that something that is feasible for the small guy? Will it be scaleable and is that something better left to youtube?
Has anyone checked out facebook’s video integration, it’s pretty nice.
I think that is why albums (photo) will be in the core and all video solutions will be plugins from others and not part of the core at this point. Now that wire has filters for content, you can allow tags to put in any video you want that way now.
Sorry I don’t understand?
Now that wire has filters for content, you can allow tags to put in any video you want that way now.
Can you give an example of the code I would put under wire to see video?
I think Trent means something like Facebook news feed whereby you can add media streams and view it in activity!
Yeah, that is what I mean. If adding things like “embed” or “object” code scares you to death, you can always include something like Anarchy Media Player where you can include the javascript in the buddypress theme header and then it will parse the page for the plugin quickcode and display the media that way. That is a way some are already doing it with things like bbPress where the media plugin doesn’t exist yet.
Andy put a filter on the tags used in wire. It allows common HTML now, but with a plugin can also be used to change the allowed tags to anything you want. I am going to do this on an extremely private install, but thinking about Anarchy as well. Just haven’t had time.
Can’t we integrate in wire,so that user can embed media ?
sure we can
Would the activity stream display media if one adds media via wire like fB news feed?
Yes. It is also possible to register new content on activity streams by using the generic activity recording functions. I’ll post a tutorial on this soon.
About Anarchy: In the early BP Releases, where Members were still the same as Blogs, AMP for WPMU worked just fine out of the box. But now it seems a bit more comlicated to me… How can I get Anarchy running for the member-themes (wire etc)? Any idea?!
I believe fckeditor is key for wire to embed media into activity like FB newsfeed.
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