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[Resolved] Videos from Posts in Activity Stream

  • d_enajetic


    Hi there,
    Big fan of BP, but I have an issue after the latest update. BP now pulls videos from wordpress posts and places them in the Activity Stream. For my site, this kills the need of having my members actually read the post which is needed for the lessons I give and possibly comment on that page. Is there a way to remove that feature? Just from the WordPress posts, not media posted directly to the activity stream.

    I’m running the latest WordPress, Buddypress and bbPress. Also using RTmedia, all packaged with Kleo theme.

    Thanks for your help

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  • danbp



    it’s not a BP issue. By default, an embeded video in a blog post is not showed in the activity stream.
    Only videos who came up on SWA are those added via updates.

    See rTMedia settings, theme specific setting or search for custom code somewhere.



    Hey Dan,
    Thanks for the quick response. I checked for, then removed any custom code from my theme and rtMedia. Nothing changes. I’ve also disabled rtMedia and changed my theme. It’s still the same. Here’s a pic of what’s happening.

    BP Video

    As far as BP not doing this by default, isn’t that what this statement details?

    BP Changelog 2.3.0

    Pardon me if I interpreted this incorrectly, but this only began after the 2.3 update.

    I’ve also disabled all plugins besides BP and I still have the same issue. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.




    @d_enajetic – I am playing with a few plugins that deal with a similar issue with animated gifs. A few say they will take a gif and make a thumbnail that you click to play… instead of having a dozen animated gifs playing in the activity stream and sidebar from users posts – hoping one of these will work.

    Luckily I have not had the same issue with videos yet (currently most of my users just add videos to activity stream directly, not in a blog post which would double display – glad to be thinking of that as a possible issue now)

    In your situation, I wonder if you create a screenshot thumbnail and put a “play icon” on it – then put that at the top of your post… would that show up in the activity stream instead of the video embed? I’d try making that the featured image as well to see if that static image showed up in my sidebar display (instead of the actual video itself)

    I would put the screen shot thumbnail image at the top of the post, and then add an H2 tag below something like <h2 id=”playjuneseminar> – then make the screenshot / thumbnail linked to the anchor tag – so that if people clicked the image in the activity stream, or on the actual post itself, it would scroll down to the video.

    I’d consider adding a lazy load / play type thing to the video so it does not auto play unless it’s in focus or something.

    Not sure if this is what you are going for, or if it would even work, but it’s what I would try first.

    Of course it would be cool to see a plugin that combined the “if activity stream item and detect video in post, create a thumbnail, show thumbnail instead of embedded video, link to that section of post, kind of thing.

    like a mashup of the wp video posts plugin, with one of these gif stop/create single frame-click-to-play instead of auto, with an added “if image is from a post link to post”

    random thoughts from my limited bp / wp experiences.



    Thanks for the suggestions, Steve. The funny thing is, I have a featured image for every post and by default, my theme puts it at the top of the page. So it’s the first piece of media in the post, but for some reason, BP goes directly for the video that’s embedded. I don’t get it. What confuses me even more is the peeps that create BP and run these forums choose not to help.

    I definitely appreciate you reaching out. I’ll look into some of the stuff you suggested.

    Thanks again




    From my limited information / understanding (as user not a dev)
    “peeps that create BP” – abandoned the project long ago.

    The forums here and the bp site are mostly ignored and have many problems.

    There is no funding for BP anymore – and has not been for a long time.

    With that being said – I was amazed to see some really awesome peeps doing a lot of work and smart discussions about so many code issues when recently visiting the bp trac system – so there is a lot going on behind the scenes. All those guys deserve a big bonus, but I am not sure if anyone is getting paid from Auttomattic for working on bp anymore.

    There are several people who are monetizing a bit with paid plugins and “bp jobs”, I understand the need to get paid, and I get that there are only so many (maybe a dozen?) – Bp dev people, so providing free support in the forums here is not top of the priority list – and really many of the forums questions are not so much tech issues, but “how to” and “can I..” – which would be more easily answered by a quick bing search..

    Anyhow I wish I knew more about how the activity thing chose what to pull in, and how to mod it- there are some neat newish things that BP has added to help filter the activity thing, once in a while someone will chime in with how to do it – but I have not seen any real documentation on it – another job that should be filled, yet will likely not be the top of the unpaid priority list anytime soon.

    I wish wordpress would pull BP from showing up as one of the top plugins in the wp-repo and the wp dashboard- I think it is getting too many people to install it or check it out that have not business jumping into this rabbit hole, or asking about it! – lol

    Let me know if any of that works our for ya, or if you find the magic “this is what bp pulls” – I am working on a plugin that converts gifs to html5 video for one of my sites, and as to where I don’t mind if those are pulled into the activity – it would be a mess if they all auto-played – so may need to do some work arounds to keep something else there in their place and a “click to see post” kind of thing like were originally talking about.



    Dear @danbp

    My english is not good so i hope you are talking about my problem that buddypress display default wordpress post on activity stream with image or image + text… But when i add (attach isnert with url) embed video to post on backend admin side, buddypress do not display this video. Just display “Mrx wrote a new post, ABC (Post Title)”. if i click post title open in new window and i can see the embed video there…

    Why my buddypress activity do not display embeded video post on activiy…Only text or image can be display…. All my WP and BP version latest, also test it default wordpress themes.

    Very import for me… I am searching this topic last 7 days and askink forum but no reply…




    If i add URL to update side, its ok buddypress display on activity, but if this video on wp-post, dont display πŸ™‚




    when embeding a video into a blog post, and this video is a file (ie. xyz.mpeg) stored in the media library, WP build a link to this file. You can choose between url to file or url to an attachment.

    The post is published and appears as excerpt in the site activity. The video is not visible and the link is inactive. That is how it is meant to work.

    When you embed a video coming from one of the allowed online services, ie. youtube, WP create an iframe in which you see the video like you could see it on youtube.
    When this type of post is on the site activity page, the video is visible. This video is also visible in the publish screen (in visual mode) of the post. That is how it is meant to work.

    If you publish a BP update via what’s new form and add a, ie. youtube video link, you’ll see the video in the activity stream.

    On admin’s dashboard, the BP activity page doesn’t show the videos. That is how it is meant to work.

    Hope it’s clear. πŸ˜‰



    Dear @danbp

    Maybe i should explain more detail. And what i want to do…I really must solve this future of my project πŸ™‚ Sorry long sentences really sorry

    BP update via what’s new form and add embed is working. No problem.
    Our members can create new post (food) with toolset types on frontend. They can add image or video or custom fields. when anyone visit and click food 1 and open new window and Ok can see everything. At the moment, this published new post displaying on buddypress activity (also can added filter with bp-custom.php)… Buddypress activity display all kind food post body such as if there is only text show text, if there are text+image, ok BP activity show this also… At the moment, if only text and no image but author add featured image, well BP also show text+this featured image on activity stream… But never show video on activity stream if its in post body…

    I dont undestand (because i am copypaste coode user) how can BP update via add form can show embed video but not display video from custom post embed? No way to solve this?

    Why? Because my member want to see video on activity stream before visit this post. BP just show MRx Published new Food..

    If i use Visual composer (extension add on pluging) features add youtube video to post, yes this is showing embed video on buddypress activity.But this is problem because when anyone click bp show filter and turn back another filter (comment to post, or post to updates or group updates), visual composer short codes broken and display like this [vc]textblock[vc]. If refresh page, yes eveything normal, so my theme remove shortcodes from visual composer.

    Thanks for giving your time…



    As i already said: it’s not possible actually.

    Perhaps in BP 2.6 (release: June 22, 2016)… See #6177 for more details.

    Maybe @djpaul can tell you more about this.



    If its possible i can categorized all kind my food or movie embed videos with custom post types… Maybe i create horror movie cpt, comedy movie cpt or etc..when any author want to share any movie, they will select cpt and will share post and other member will see Mrx published comedy movie.. So this is also for easy to non-friends, they will visit their profile and filter comedy movie, hΔ±mm nice man and nice sharing (this aproach never find anywhere)… Also i created a personal page for my members with frontend (also show filter bp) and they are adding videos there (also i will add link to their profile)… No need media album, no need media mp4 video etc… No need pay money to all kind media album pluging (because i tried and hate this, always trying different just paying money but never useful)….

    Maybe, i read more article πŸ™‚ because i m just economist and simple code user….

    Thanks your time



    @danbp @djpaul
    Sorry just trying to understand… I am taking your time…
    Also, how can this extension’s add embed youtube (vimeo or soundclound) video to post (also custom post types) can display videos on buddypress activity?



    Oops, sorry really sorry @danbp @djpaul all is my just css problem… Display now… Really sorry to all buddypress family πŸ™‚ just i need more coffee….



    Initial topic is about 1 years old. I’m closing it for that reason. If any question related to same subject, create a new topic. Thank you.

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