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[Resolved] Weird (non) error message after sending message?

  • @godavid33


    BP 2.0.2
    WP 3.9.2

    Whenever I use the “Private Message” button from a user’s profile, I am taken to a URL like the following:

    (obviously, with the correct data)

    When I send the message, I am shown a screen like the following:

    View post on

    The message sends correctly, but to someone who isn’t the one coding the website, this would be extremely offputting and gives no success or error message so the user would have no clue if the message is actually sent!

    The wp_nonce seems to be the problem, though I’m not sure why as it is default behavior. If I go to the compose page and manually input the recipients username, it works correctly. Please halp 🙁

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  • @henrywright


    Hi @godavid33

    It’s likely the WP nonce is invalid. Usually you get a message such as “Are you really sure you want to do this?” so I can understand why the blank page looks weird.

    Have you modified the form at all? Perhaps you could paste the form’s markup into pastebin? I’ll take a look to see if I can see anything wrong





    I assume you’re letting BP handle the form processing in the default way and not doing your own processing?

    Can you try using this and see if the problem still happens:



    I think I am slightly doing my own processing, but I hooked it onto BPs. My goal was essentially just to add a drop down of usernames so people can find others easier as well as to try and improve the UI functionally a bit.



    Perhaps your own processing is the cause of the nonce not validating? We still can’t be sure the nonce is the issue here because there’s no helpful error message but it’s a good place to start looking.



    After pasting your code I noticed mine was exactly the same. It’s odd though, I cant seem to recreate this error now tho >:O

    I’ll try and pay more attention next time it occurs. Thanks for your help @henrywright !



    Actually it’s not quite the same. On a quick glance, I noticed you have extra <div> tags such as <div class="effect6" style="width:100%;">, and you’re doing a str_replace() on some $_GET variable and also you’re wrapping some of your label’s text in <h2> tags. Not entirely sure if those changes are to blame though. Anyhow, glad you got it resolved 🙂



    I actually found out that it only seems to happen to certain individuals. I’m not really sure what could be doing this or how to go about debugging it though :/

    Any advice @mercime @henrywright ?



    The best way to debug this if you’re sure only certain individuals are affected is to find out what’s different about them:

    • What role are they?
    • Are they activated members?
    • Are they marked as a spammer?
    • Do they have any friends?
    • Anything else?

    Some (maybe all) of these won’t be related but with something like this when there isn’t much info to go on, the only way to debug is trial and error.



    Plugin Conflict from AppPresser’s AppBuddy…….

    *Found the problem two days and one head of hair later*



    Bravo ! Glad you got it ! 😉

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