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Where is the option to register?

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  • @djpaul


    We don’t have our own option for that. Use WordPress’ “allow registration” option which I think is in wp-admin > Settings > Reading.

    Regarding the bar, no. Again, it’s WordPress’ bar, and there are probably helper plugins which will turn it off for you (or code snippets); you should be able to find something on Google pretty easily.



    Hi @icaroferreira

    1. The registration form is usually at somewhere like

    2. You can add the following to your theme’s functions.php file should you wish to remove the admin bar:

    add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );



    Thank you for answering.

    About register, here on the BuddyPress site, written bar appears at the top:
    “Anonymous” and when move the mouse over the option to appear:
    Register, login, etc.

    But, on my site not appear like this model above, why?
    I want my site have this same model, please, how do I appear that way step by step?

    Another question, please, you can make this option I described above, all appear on my login icon from my own bar theme of the my site ?



    The bar you speak of is created by the theme used here on If you’re using your own theme, then a bar such as that may or may not appear (depending on your theme). The good news is is now open sourced, so feel free to look at the code to see how it has been done.




    Sorry, I’m layman.

    What you mean: “Open Source” ?

    And how will this solve my case?



    @icaroferreira “open source” means anyone is free to use the code available in the link Henry gave above. It’s relevant to your query because you can adapt the code for your site or hire a developer to do it for you.



    BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activate, Register. Repair…..Please help me, i,m new to this but i have applied all the solutions i got here and still not working, i even created the page as one of you guys said in one post, but the page is just there like normal page without written content. please help me

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