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WordPress 3.0 + Buddypress — User Creation Problems?

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  • @cliper


    same with me here. I do clean install of WordPress 3.0. Activated Buddypress in the plugins. Updated permalinks to use with simple urls. Apply some tricks that can be seen at to url since I’m in windows server. Don’t have mod_rewrite. Tried signup, but it just redirects to the same page. site is



    No One know the answer here?????????????????????????????



    I’ve done something similar, however, the user I created I did by using the dashboard feature to create a new user. I could then login as that user. (Wasn’t quite sure what level to give them, mind).

    I wonder if it sent you a confirmation email (you, in the user role, not you in the admin role) & your email system spammed it?

    Have you tried creating one from the admin dash?



    I can create them from Admin panel but thats not what i want it to be. I have like 500 users for this community i m going to develop so cant create them manually from admin panel . user need to register from website itself.



    – Dashboard / Settings / General: check anyone can register box
    – username has to contain small letters only



    I have checked anyone can register box and trying with the small letter username.

    The problem is not with user creation. I mean when do signup on my site user is created and i can see the entry same on my admin panel / users.

    But when i try to log in the site with newly created user name and password it just doesn’t.



    Plz help ********************



    you’ll have been sent an email with an account activation link, clicking that will activate the account and enable you to log in. (I have just done this myself using my WP3.0 test install).



    What kind of support forum is this? If you google about this “buddypress activation email problem” it’s all over the !@#&% place, and no one has an answer? I’ve seen forum after forum post, thread, question, whatever and well over a dozen “fixes”, none of which have worked for me.

    This is absurd. Registrars not getting their activation emails and, as a result, not being able to log in, basically renders Buddypress USELESS. I wished I’d known about this before I spent the last three !@#&% days customizing my site.

    Here’s an idea… Don’t release this crap without being 110% sure that the most important feature (people being able to become members) works.

    And at the very least can you guys answer the question… How can we fix the problem?



    Justin what is your Website address?
    What version of BP and WordPress?
    What version of PHP?
    Does your host allow you to send PHP mail?
    Have you tried with all plugins off?
    Does it work with the default BuddyPress Theme?
    This all works fine for me with BP and WP 3.0 using…



    It’s the kind of support forum where politeness goes a long way. The only issue I’m aware of with BuddyPress page links is that some installs running on IIS need some extra stuff added; that’s vague because I’m not an IIS user, I don’t have access to a machine to dev on, and I don’t know about the typical Microsoft hosting environment.

    If your install of WordPress can send emails successfully, then BuddyPress can too. We can’t be held responsible for what emails are marked as spam by mail servers.

    You have also told us no details about your setup; please see



    2.) WP 3.0 and BP
    3.) PHP 5.x
    4.) Yes, they allow PHP mail (it works fine until Buddypress is activated)
    5.) Yes, I’ve tried with all plugins off
    6.) It works with the default as well as any other theme, except Buddypress

    Thanks for the respnose,




    It’s funny you should say that when it wasn’t until two weeks later (after the original post) that a moderator / support team member (you) chimed in on this, and that was because someone (me) wasn’t very polite (intentionally). So it looks like rudeness, not my normal MO, went a little bit further than politeness (this time), but served its purpose none the less. Thanks for responding.

    Now, to answer your question / statement…

    1.) My hosting environment is linux, not windows.

    2.) My install of wordpress does send emails successfully, until I activate Buddypress (then it breaks).

    3.) The emails aren’t going to SPAM, lol. That was the first thing I checked (on 5 different email accounts).

    Again, thanks for the response.




    everyone here is a volunteer and may not read every single thread or know the answer to every unique issue. probably does not help when being a bit off-putting.

    All sign-up steps work until the confirmation message? what is the status in the users table for the failed signup user? does each failed signup user have an activation key in the usermeta table? if so – that at least tells us the bp_core_signup_user process works up bp_core_signup_send_validation_email (which only builds the email message and executes wp_mail() )

    have a look in buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-signup.php at the functions and steps.

    if you are using multisite, then it is a different process




    As I said to Paul… Being “a bit off-putting” is not my normal MO, but the original post was written two weeks ago and the only thing that’s happened since is a whole bunch of people have said “I have the same problem”. It hasn’t been until I was “a bit off-putting” that someone actually replied to the original question/post.

    Enough about that.

    Sorry, but your questions are a bit over my head. Any and all PHP coding I know is completely self taught and I’m not far enough along to grasp what you’re asking me to look for.

    At any rate, thanks for the response.




    Rich was asking whether you could confirm that an important stage was definitely being completed correctly as that helps narrow down the areas to troubleshoot.

    Using a tool such as phpMyAdmin (MySQL DB manager) find the table called ‘wp_signups’ and confirm that emails that should have been sent and received do indeed have a valid set of entries for registration i.e activation key.



    Just some basic questions: multisite (which is important as a different process)? registration steps completed? data in mysql for a failed user signup? (check _users->”user_status” and _usermeta->meta_key->”activation_key”)

    I was pointing out the php file and functions – if you wanted see the flow of the signup. (wp_insert_user, setting user_status, generating and saving activation_key, sending activation email to user). You mentioned “My install of wordpress does send emails successfully, until I activate Buddypress (then it breaks).” BuddyPress uses the same WordPress functions to send an email – so nothing changes in that regard but maybe some weird oddity in your setup causing a null email address or some other unpredictable result.



    Curious. I was convinced I had a similar problem, as I noticed one user marked spammer and then created my own test user but never received the activation email. HOWEVER, I just tried again using a gmail address instead of hotmail, and I got the activation email just fine. Suppose I’ll keep messing with this and check back in…..

    I’m trying to use/test the Welcome Pack in particular, so….we’ll see.



    I have noticed this problem too.

    A fresh setup …5min WordPress install, add BuddyPress Plugin etc etc…

    I can not yet confirm if it only occurs for hotmail users (yuck) and it needs more testing!

    But here are some obscured excerpts from my mail logs…

    Node1 webserver and BuddyPress:
    `Oct 19 13:02:42 node1 postfix/smtp[23717]: D67EA2802A: to=, relay=192.168.###.###[192.168.###.###]:25, delay=40, delays=0.33/0.01/0.05/40, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 5967C292C1)`

    Relayed to my Mail Server at Node2:
    `Oct 19 13:02:43 node2 postfix/smtp[27458]: F2173292C4: to=,[]:25, delay=0.23, delays=0.01/0.02/0.08/0.12, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Queued mail for delivery)`

    I have a pretty good knowledge of Linux and webservices, but this indicates the mail was sent to hotmail… but the user in question never received it – not even in their spam box.

    My servers even have a correct SPF text record in the DNS but so far it seems all the hotmail sign ups are not being seen by the end user.

    I can only guess that st00pid Microsoft’s hotmail is sending them into a black hole – perhaps they have got fussy about the confirmation link or something?

    Even though it would seem it is not a BuddyPress problem, perhaps some tests should be done to find out why this happens (to be honest, I hate hotmail – but a lot of people use it).

    If it is something todo with the confirmation link, then maybe there is some kind of work around?

    It will be interesting to hear peoples thoughts on this!



    Was just back here after 3 months 2 weeks later ..curious to know if anybody has got the answer surprisingly after 3 months and 2 weeks later nobody but nobody has answered it! Anyways i left using buddy press after my last post 3 months back by the way thanks @JustinCA for fighting my war. Hope you must have left buddy press too…nice Forum guys and nice CMS



    If only people didn’t believe that Email protocols and services were such a simple thing, the post above by deadpan10 gets closer than most to understanding some of the potential issues and that it’s NOT necessarily a WP/BP one.

    Correctly set up email with correct and proper dns records might go some way to resolving issues many have, interestingly it’s pointed out that even given a correct SPF record Hotmail still appears to have issues, I have no answer to whether it’s the activation link but it’s an interesting notion.



    Hi guys,
    Rather than start another mail on this topic I thought I should add my question to this thread.
    I have experienced the same problem with both hotmail and gmail- nothing delivered to test profiles set up under both services.
    Just wondered if anyone has cracked this problem yet as it may well effect many potential users of my site.I would appreciate a heads up if it’s been sorted.



    @JustinCA: here’s the solution. I have had the same issue for a long time until I came accross this small plugin. However, I hope you are descent enough to understand that nobody here ” owes you help”. The same goes for anyone who thinks along those lines. If I had been here 3 months ago, possibly it would have helped, but I was possibly roaming the web elsewhere because we DO NOT live here, NOR do we work here!

    @ketan khope: If you left buddypress already, coming to vent about it to buddypress users is pretty cheap man. Grow up and learn to appreciate others’ efforts. How many CMS or plugins have you put together? I bet 100% certainly that it can’t be much. Even if it is, it can’t be the size of buddypress/wordpress because you wouldn’t be on this forum thread. Would you?



    Ishimwe thank you for your help. I for one certainly appreciate the huge effort that goes into Buddypress.



    @Ishimwe Do you think asking for help is something wrong ?
    Yes you may argue here that i used a wrong way but can you get the scenario here. I posted that kind of Language after 3months !!!
    Ok second fact you said i should appreciate others’ efforts ( others should include both Buddy press developers and its users) … but you are considering only one side here .Lets for time being say i am a nerd i don’t have any knowledge about PHP or rather any kind of programming and what CMS are build for ? to simply solutions for non programmers. So what i am appreciating here is ‘ TIME & Energy ‘ of people who are not as good as you in programming so i am telling them there are these kind of problems in this system instead of getting to know about it after putting your time and energy look if you can solve them and then only decide to use this CMS . .. whats wrong with that approach ??

    Again if the solution provided by you solves the problem as i have not tested it but if it does then don’t you think my this post which is actually all over Google if you search anything even close to buddy press will help buddy press users ( both new and present ) who are facing same problem ?So my coming here to vent about buddy press is actually going to help people than otherwise i guess !!

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