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WordPress MU 2.8.1 Released

  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Before proceeding, BuddyPress 1.0.2 is NOT fully tested inside and out with 2.8.1. If you are on a LIVE environment, we recommend you wait before upgrading your blogs. The information contained within this topic is for us reckless folk that just can’t leave well enough alone.

    WordPress MU 2.8.1 was officially released today, 7/10/2009. I have personally been using BuddyPress trunk off of the 2.8.1 trunk for a few days now and have not encountered any bugs or issues so far.

    WordPress MU 2.8.1 includes all of the bug fixes of WordPress 2.8.1, and packages them inside of WordPress MU.



    • We recommend deactivating all site-wide plugins before updating WordPress MU core, however it is not 100% necessary in some cases. (Try at your own risk.)
    • Any plugins that depend on BuddyPress being active need to be deactivated before BuddyPress is, i.e. BP Photo Album by Manoj.
    • Those of you integrating your forums with bbPress, no longer need…

      define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);

      …in your bb-config.php. Go ahead and remove that line, and cookie integration should resume.

    • Change your main blog theme to something other than bphome (or whichever customised theme you run). Set it back to the standard WPMU blog theme, and change it back after you have upgraded WPMU and re-enabled BuddyPress.
    • Those of you using deep integration with bbPress 1.0.1 and using the BuddyBar plugin will need to apply this patch for the time being until I can come up with a better fix.

    Please report back to this topic if you experience any issues with the latest stable release of BuddyPress 1.0.2 and WPMU 2.8.1.

    Thanks and happy upgrading!

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  • @djpaul


    Short answer: theme error is complicated. I’m writing up a Trac ticket and will put the link here later.

    Workaround: duplicate your /bp-member/* folders into /wp-content/themes/. This will populate the correct info in the drop-down box. Once this issue is fixed, you can remove the duplicates from /wp-content/themes/.



    thanks for the workaround DJPaul.

    One question: All the fresh buddypress installation are affected with this bug ?

    I am still searching why the add_filter is ignore. This is very strange.



    Only if you’re using it with WPMU 2.8.1. I’ve just finished writing



    Thanks a lot DJPaul



    BuddyPress 1.0.3 is due out soon to bump it into compatibility with MU 2.8.1.



    With fresh install of 2.8.1 and bp 1.02 I could add and delete a user. And as reported I am having a problem with the member themes. It seems to work when the member theme is in the /themes folder, but not sure if this is related but I am not getting a the menu to edit the profile and avatar. Could be a problem with some mu-plugins, but at this point doesn’t seem to be. Will check more.



    There are quite a few places where WPMU 2.8.1 doesn’t allow for filtering particular hooks for security reasons, some of which BuddyPress relied on using; has to do with the new _transient functions would be my guess, but I haven’t figured out exactly where to start patching.



    The missing menus were probably because I didn’t to a full fresh install of buddypress. I was trying to keep a few core edits I had done and probably didn’t overwrite everything as I had thought. Seems to work now.



    Short answer: theme error is complicated. I’m writing up a Trac ticket and will put the link here later.

    Workaround: duplicate your /bp-member/* folders into /wp-content/themes/. This will populate the correct info in the drop-down box. Once this issue is fixed, you can remove the duplicates from /wp-content/themes/.

    FYI, you can also trick this with a link.

    from /wp-content/themes:

    $ ln -s ../bp-themes/THEMENAME THEMENAME

    Worked great :) When you’re done, delete the link.

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