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WP Plugin Settings Err: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

  • I install in WP & activate. When I click on settings I get the followiing err “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

    BP does not appear in the menu, nor under the setting tab.

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  • @mercime


    == BP does not appear in the menu, nor under the setting tab. ==

    @nlmdep do you have a multisite installation? WP/BP versions? Is this is a new WP installation?



    Now that I’ve been able to “successfully activate” BP on a sub site (thank you @djpaul) this is my next hurdle. There is no BP toolbar in the WP dashboard. I have a multisite installation running on WP 3.4.1 with BP 1.6. (Yes, I’m a newbie when it comes to most code, WP and BP.) If it matters at all, I’m on OS X 10.7.4 using Safari 6.0.

    I hope any solution you provide can help both @nlmdep and myself.

    Please share the solution provided by @djpaul, I am also facing the same problem. I hope it will help many others.



    Yes, there does seem to be a few issues.
    While buddypress is claiming that there isn’t a need to network activate, making it work on a subsite doesn’t seem to be as easy as one might expect. I haven’t figured out how to get past the permissions thing on subsite, but network activating in the base site also doesn’t seem to connect to the subsites. They don’t seem to know buddypress is activated. Kind of frustrating, but when someone shares the secrets with the rest of us, it will be quite a nice install, I presume..

    Also, with themes that are compatible with v1.56, are they still compatible with 1.6? Or do the new files need to be moved to the theme directory to make everything work right? I ask these questions because of the problem I seem to be having with not being able to find buddypress profile from the subsites.. I am being directed to the WordPress profile, not buddypress, from the subsites.



    @shaista here is the link to that conversation:
    In my case, I had to add ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, $blog_id ); with “2” replacing “$blog_id”. Hope that helps.

    I’m running out of time for a solution so I hope one is found soon. I’ve been building an online class website and classes start in about a week.

    I have a single buddypress blog under sub directory, I have activated 1.6 version in WP 3.4.1 but I can’t see any forum groups, etc option for users at front end. Also in admin area under BuddyPress >> Settings gives error message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
    Not even BuddyPress tab appearing at left menu.



    I have the “same” problem.

    first I tried to install BP 1.6.1 on server with WP 3.4.1. The whole site become useless, so I moved all the plugins in to different folder and started “from the scratch” with BP only. this time BP has been activated but without any menu items in admin menu., The only link, the settings link in the plugin list keep saying “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

    So I made a total fresh WP 3.4.1 install on local machine, with latest BP 1.6.1 but the result stay the same.. no menu items, no permissions for settings page.

    any suggestions?
    (The Budypress supposed to run in my case as single domain add on)

    Ah hah. I think I see the confusion.

    When BP is installed or update, you need to run the Install/Update Wizard. There’s a banner at the top of the page that shows you this: see

    Once you have completed the Install/Update Wizard, the “Settings” link (and everything else) should work. Can people here check they’ve done this, and let me know if the problem’s resolved?

    We can make the Settings link only appear once the Wizard has been completed in future releases of BuddyPress; we didn’t think of this. Thanks for the feedback.




    Thanks for the feedback.
    In my case there was no banner at all.

    Here is the way how I solved it couple minutes ago.
    Nothing works so I have added to the wp-config.php
    “define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);”

    Then all of sudden the BP shows everything I suppose it shows in normal cases. The menu were populated with the items the theme started to work.. and most importantly it lets me go through the initial process of the whole BP.

    What is weird though is that after that I have removed the statement from the wp-config.php the BP keeps going.

    So now I’m confused and don’t know what is the exact process. Should we have the multisite statement in the wp-config? or it’s not necessary (but my case), or is there any other problem I have no idea of?

    thanks 2046

    Shane Holloman


    After updating to Buddypress 1.6.1 within WordPress 3.4.1 I have the same issue…
    How do I access the “Install Update Wizard” again to get functionality back?

    I get “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” for every Buddypress admin page.
    Is there a solution yet for this? I’m dead in the water right now



    I have the same problem! Installed BP 1.6.1 within WordPress 3.4.1 Multisite, subdomain setup; activated on network first, ran setup wizard…then deactived on network and activated on root blog id=3 (subdomain i want it on)…went to subdomain and activated it just there….no settings show up in toolbar and uder settings I get “you do not have sufficient permissions to access this page”.

    also, during running the setup wizard, i get no buddypress on left menu — so i cannot access components to set up some custom fields…

    please help!!!
    am dead in the water like shaneholloman…



    To clarify my post above, I do not have buddypress showing in the toolbar on the left under settings on the subdomain and when i network activate it, do not see profile fields…

    i have declared the root blog as advised…



    .. I don’t know if developers works on this problem, and if they do, if they can or cannot reproduce this issue.
    If they cannot reproduce it and would like to test it somewhere where the problem exists I’m able to make a testing WP playground where they can test this problem life.

    let me know if you need such a thing.

    Same trouble for me
    WP 3.4.1
    BP 1.6.1
    network install with sub folders
    Fresh install
    BP activated on one site, then “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” message when I click on the setup wizard banner link of the “Settings” link for the buddy press module.

    Another associated problem is that the “Please run the installation wizard” banner tries to run “page=bp-wizard” and that file, bp-wizard, is not present. Could the problem be that BP is somehow inadvertently changing permissions? I have several other sites running with no problems in a Multi-site environment. When I added a new site to run BP specifically, this threads problem cropped up.Is anyone looking at this?
    WP: 3.4.1
    BP: 1.6.1
    Hosted on my own servers running Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.5.

    Defining multi blog environment worked for me. Add this to your wp-config.php
    `define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );`

    Thanks for the suggestion, petersjoo, but that does not work, either!



    After you activate the plugin, check under ‘Dashboard’ for a ‘BuddyPress’ setup tab. Untill I did that I was getting the ‘Insufficent permission…’ message

    I reinstalled bp to try to solve the fact that my forums page was blank. I never got the install wizard this time around. Is there a way to force that?



    with BP 161 if you click on the ‘setting’ link on the plugin page you get the permission error. You first have to click on the ‘Dashboard’ tab and you will see a ‘BuddyPress Setup’ link that does the initial setup, then you can use the setup button on the plugin page.

    Having that ‘initial’ setup link in under the Dashboard’ tab is a bad idea espically since it goes away after you first use it.



    I am having the same problem. New multisite with latest WP and BP and no other plugins. I installed buddypress on network admin, but didn’t network activate. I then activate BP on a subsite, click settings and get the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”. There was no installation wizard banner, and I couldn’t find anything under either network admin dashboard, or the subsite dashboard for buddypress setup.



    Activate BP sitewide in Network Admin > Plugins, then go through the Installation Wizard



    Can I do this without activating sitewide? I don’t want to network activate, only on some subsites. Also, if I do network activate, I can’t find a way to get it to work on subsite. It only is showing on main site with network activate. I am using BP default theme on subsite.



    I think i got the solution put

    define( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true ); somewhere before
    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    my configuration is something like this

    define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);

    define( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );

    define(‘MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, true);
    $base = ‘/’;
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’);
    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’);
    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
    define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);

    i was facing same issue but after putting that line , it works fine now, please confirm me if it help. regards.



    Thanks @ petersjoo – adding
    `define(‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true);`
    right above
    `/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */`
    in my wp-config.php fixed it.

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