JJJ, the code that Xevo posted ( and I posted in another thread
) IS more effective and also is more correct, because you’re relying in that there’s no output before the signup_header action. Your code was the first thing I tried when I had the problem and, in fact, it didn’t work on my setup.
There are no conflicts because the init action is executed before, so the signup_header action won’t be called.
The drawback with hooking into “init” or “wp” is that it checks every single page load to see if it’s a sign-up page, even when 99% of the time it probably isn’t. Andy has a patch in for MU to filter the wp-signup.php page before header output begins, so in the meantime these are our best solutions.
The white-screens were happening because “bp_core_wpsignup_redirect” was dieing instead of redirecting to anywhere. My fix is marginally better than dieing but isn’t the last we’ll see of the issue. haha!
@Xevo, I am having the same problem. I inserted your redirect function and now get the following error message on my site homepage:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in …../public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3427.
I inserted an exact copy of the code you pasted above (except that I changed domain.ext to my own domain name.
I’m not sure why I get this error message.
@cratercraver: The function.php is supposed to be in your currently used theme folder. If there is already one in there, just add the code to it and if there isn’t a functions.php yet, make one and put it in there.
Sorry, this is the same issue that is bugging me,
1. Is it to say that I redirect the wp signup to register, the problem would be solved?
2. Would it affect the other plugins I have install under wordpress mu?
by the way I am using wpmu 2.8.5a
1. Yes, the problem will be solved, unless offcourse you don’t have member registration on in the wpmu settings.
2. It could affect the wpmu plugins that use the wp-signup.php page, just try and if some plugins stop working or give a error, ask the developer if he can fix it.
Thanks Xevo. I did have that code block in the wrong place. Thanks for clarifying. Now it works.
Sorry what do you mean by member register, I saw it a php page on register, is that the one you are talking about?
No, you have to enable user registration in the administration panel.
By the way, make your posts clearer, I didn’t understand what you meant.
Xevo I tried you method however I still face the same problem.
I wonder what did I do that is not correct. I hope someone would be able to help
i’m adding this to functions.php and it’s killing my bbpress integration (which calls wp-load.php in the header). i just get a white page.
/* Kill the wp-signup.php if custom registration signup templates are present */
function bp_core_wpsignup_redirect() {
if ( false === strpos( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'wp-signup.php') )
return false;
if ( locate_template( array( 'registration/register.php' ), false ) || locate_template( array( 'register.php' ), false ) )
wp_redirect( bp_root_domain() . BP_REGISTER_SLUG );
add_action( 'signup_header', 'bp_core_wpsignup_redirect' );
I would like to apologize to the developers. I lost my temper under pressure.
Though I DID create a Trac ticket.
Sorry, no hard feeling.
solved by creating a redirect.