You can find the CSS for the alternate table rows in buddypress/default.css around line 888.
Inspect it with firebug, firebug is your friend when it comes to CSS. 
Yup… I use it every day!
This is a bug.
Check out this ticket for a proposed fix:
Thanks for pointing that out… I hadn’t even noticed that the background of entire xprofile groups was alternating rather than each row. 
The patch for bp-default/_inc/global.js works just fine on my install.
I am having problems installing the patches. I do not have the file bp-xprofile-template.php on my server. Although I do have bp-xprofile-templatetags.php?
Whats the easiest way to install these patches?
@ultimateuser – You only need to install the second patch, not the first.
Ive tried to edit global.js but it still doesnt work. Where can I download the patch and replace my global.js with the working version? Instead of having to editing the code manually?
You can get the entire global.js code here:
Be sure to make a backup copy of your file before replacing it with this just in case stuff breaks!
Thank you. Ive replaced the global.js file in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/
But it still doesnt work. If you could have a look at this profile:
I removed the text in the telephone field which was between ‘Twitter’ and ‘Address’ and now the zebra styling is incorrect – its a grey block.
What am I doing wrong?
@ultimateuser – Since you were manually modifying the profile field loop to hide a certain field, you’d also have to apply both patches.
@r-a-y – Ok but they are basically the non-required fields members leave blank when registering.
I’d like to apply the second patch as well but then I come back to my initial question:
“I do not have the file bp-xprofile-template.php on my server. Although I do have bp-xprofile-templatetags.php?”
Can you also include a link to the entire amended file I need to use?
Okay, sorry forgot that the patch was for BP 1.3.
Just open up bp-xprofile-templatetags.php and find lines 197-8 from the first patch and remove them.
You could also override the “alt” CSS class with the “bp_field_css_classes” filter.
Great it finally works!
So what I’ve done is: I replaced global.js as mentioned by pcwriter ( )
and then I removed lines 197-8 as mentioned in patch 1 from bp-xprofile-templatetags.php.
Thanks @r-a-y for your support!