If you’re reading this post in a feed reader, it’s time to head on over to BuddyPress.org and take a look at our shiny new look.

This site has been built from the ground up using WordPress and BuddyPress and now also acts as a complete developer network.

We’ve got a new plugin repository, theme browser, developer landing page, not to mention developer groups, integrated forums and developer profiles.

One thing you’ll notice as you begin to use the new site is the deep integration of all features. If you log in once, you’re logged into everything – the forums, developer network, codex and site blog.

Your activity stream will also track everything you do here, and that includes forum posts, trac tickets, blog comments and codex changes. We’re tracking your every move!

The final release of BuddyPress is very close. We’re currently looking forward to the release of WordPress MU 2.7.1. After that you’ll see some changes to adapt BuddyPress to the new plugin update functionality and then 1.0 release.

Happy BuddyPress-ing.