This Friday, April 8th 2016, WordCamp London is holding a Contributor Day. Ticketed registration is free and some tickets are still available, but are running out fast! On the day, attendees will be asked to separate into teams around contribution areas such as Accessibility, BuddyPress, Community, Core, Design, Documentation, Flow, Meta, Mobile, Polyglots, Support, Themes, Training, TV, and more.

If you decide to contribute to BuddyPress, then you’re in luck! There will be BuddyPress core committers and contributors on-hand to help and answer any questions you may have:


You don’t have to be a developer to contribute, BuddyPress needs your help with documentation, user testing, design, support and more. Also, if you’re fluent in another language, then we’d love your help with translations.

Hope to see you on Friday!