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BuddyPress 14.0.0-beta2

Published on June 24th, 2024 by Mathieu Viet

Please read the 14.0.0-beta1 announcement post for a list of nice improvements to expect from our next major release. What has been fixed in beta2? If you haven’t tested our 3 previous beta release, here’s a fresh opportunity to helped us build 14.0.0. Whether you’re a new, regular or advanced user, a theme designer or […]

BuddyPress 14.0.0 Beta 1

Published on June 13th, 2024 by Mathieu Viet

The BuddyPress contributors have been hard at work baking our next release, version 14.0.0. This release is all about code modernization, focusing on these areas: We are excited for you to try our new release. Please run it through its paces, and let us know what problems you run into! Thanks for your help in […]

BuddyPress 12.5.1 Security Release

Published on June 10th, 2024 by Mathieu Viet

BuddyPress 12.5.1 is now available. This is a security release. All BuddyPress installations should be updated as soon as possible. The 12.5.1 release addresses the following security issue: This vulnerability was impacting BuddyPress branches from 9.0 to 12.0. It was reported privately to the BuddyPress team, in accordance with WordPress’s security policies. Our thanks to the […]

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