Published on March 2nd, 2016 by Mathieu Viet
BuddyPress 2.5.0 “Medici” is now available for download from the plugin repository, or right from your WordPress Dashboard. The new features in “Medici” make it easier and more fun than ever to build and manage community sites.
Customizable BuddyPress Emails

Goodbye “plain old text” emails! Keep your users coming back with beautiful, HTML-riffic BuddyPress emails. You can now modify the content of your notification emails right from the Dashboard, and adjust the appearance of the included template using the WordPress Customizer. Learn more about this amazing feature at the BuddyPress emails codex page.
Post Type Comments Tracking

Since BuddyPress 2.2, new items from custom post types have been reflected in the Activity stream. 2.5 “Medici” improves this feature by tracking post-type comments, too. When the “Site Tracking” component is enabled, replies to a Post Type-related activity item are now synchronized with Comments on the corresponding post post. Read more about enabling this feature for your site on the codex.
Holy Moly, Support for Emoji!

Have fun, be merry, and share some ❤️! When words fail, you can now use emoji in activity updates, messages, and group descriptions.
Twenty Twelve Companion Stylesheet

BuddyPress never looked better in the Twenty Twelve theme. Fun fact: The BuddyPress team loves Twenty Twelve above all others – well, except for maybe Kubrick.
Autolink Settings for Profile Fields

Site administrators can now configure which profile fields should create member directory search links, thanks to the new “Autolink” metabox on the Edit Profile Field administration screen. Shared interests like favorite pizza topping? Enable search links! Unique responses like the user’s address or a text box? Now, it’s simple to turn off search links for those fields.
…and much more!
Read about all the bug fixes and feature enhancements introduced in BuddyPress 2.5.0 at our official 2.5.0 changelog.
Once again you were fantastic during this development cycle; many thanks to our contributors:
Boone B Gorges (boonebgorges), Brajesh Singh (sbrajesh), Brandon Allen (thebrandonallen), Christian Wach (needle), Damian (timersys), danbrellis, David Cavins (dcavins), Dennis (wpdennis), Fee (wdfee), Garrett Hyder (garrett-eclipse), George Mamadashvili (Mamaduka), Henry Wright (henry.wright), Hugo (hnla), Jeff Sayre (jeffsayre), John James Jacoby (johnjamesjacoby), Jonnyauk, Joost Abrahams (joost-abrahams), kennibc, OC2PS (sooskriszta), Laurens Offereins (Offereins), LenLay, Mathieu Viet (imath), mercime, Michael Beckwith (tw2113), modemlooper, Paul Gibbs (DJPaul), Rami Yushuvaev (ramiy), r-a-y, shanebp, Slava UA (slaffik), Srdjan (jozik), Stephen Edgar (netweb), timeuser, vnd.
BuddyPress 2.5.0 “Medici” is named not after the famed House of Medici – while BP may inspire religious fervor, we probably won’t produce any popes – but after Medici on 57th, a restaurant in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. At Medici, you can get great pizza (Chicago-style and otherwise!) alongside great burgers and baked goods. Medici’s graffiti-covered booths and college-town vibe mirror the friendly community spirit we hope your members will feel when using BuddyPress. If you find yourself on the South Side of Chicago, be sure to stop in for a deep-dish Garbage Pizza, the favorite of a certain member of the BP team.
Enjoy 2.5.0
Grab BuddyPress 2.5.0 “Medici” from the plugin repository, or right from your WordPress Dashboard.
Questions, comments, feature requests, or bug reports? Please use our support forums or our development tracker.
Published on February 23rd, 2016 by Mathieu Viet
BuddyPress 2.5.0 Release Candidate 1 is now available for testing. Please download the 2.5.0-rc1 zip or get a copy via our Subversion repository.
Release Candidate means we think we’re ready, but with hundreds of plugins and themes, it’s possible we’ve missed something. We hope to ship BuddyPress 2.5 really soon, and your help testing is greatly appreciated to polish this release so it can be as perfect as possible!
If you haven’t tested 2.5 yet, now is the time!
A detailed changelog will be part of our official release notes, but check out the 2.5.0 Beta 1 post for the list of our favourite changes until then.
Let us know of any issues you find in the support forums and/or on our development tracker.
Published on February 9th, 2016 by Mathieu Viet
BuddyPress 2.5.0 Beta 1 is available for testing. You can download the 2.5.0-beta1 zip or get a copy via our Subversion repository. We’d love to have your feedback and testing help.
NB: If you are still using WordPress 3.8, we remind you that BuddyPress 2.5.0 will require at least WordPress 3.9.
A detailed changelog will be part of our official release notes, but, until then, here’s a list of some of our favorite changes. (Check out this report on Trac for the full list.)
- The BP Email API: a new API to manage and customize the content & layout of emails generated by BuddyPress (#6592).
- Post Type Comments tracking (#6482, Codex Page).
- A new companion stylesheet: Twenty Twelve (#6766).
- Emoji support in activity updates, private messages and group descriptions.(#6529)
- New interface that allows administrators to disable the xprofile feature that causes certain words and phrases to be linked to member directory searches (#787).
- A11y: we’ve made great accessibility improvements in our Administration screens.
- Many activity stream improvements and fixes. (#6720, #6793, #6834)
- Tons of under-the-hood & performance improvements. (E.g. #6870)
- Continued coverage of inline code documentation, actions, & filters.
2.5.0 is almost ready, but please do not run it in a production environment just yet. Let us know of any issues you find in the support forums and/or on our development tracker.
Thanks everyone for all your contributions so far; please help us test and polish the 2.5.0 release so it can be as perfect as possible!
Published on December 14th, 2015 by Mathieu Viet
BuddyPress 2.4.3 is now available. This is a maintenance release that mainly fixes an issue with the ‘title-tag’ theme support.
Update to BuddyPress 2.4.3 today in your WordPress Dashboard, or by downloading from the plugin repository.
Questions or comments? Check out 2.4.3 changelog, or stop by our support forums or Trac.
Published on December 3rd, 2015 by Paul Wong-Gibbs
BuddyPress 2.4.2 is now available. This is an maintenance and security release, and all BuddyPress installations are recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.
An XSS vulnerability in the Groups component was discovered, which affected the Groups administration screen inside the wp-admin area. We thank Krzysztof Katowicz-Kowalewski (vnd) for responsibly disclosing this issue to the BuddyPress team.
We have also made a number of security hardening improvements (which were discovered during a regular audit) to protect against similar vulnerabilities. Last but not least, this release also includes fixes for several other bugs introduced in the 2.4 series.
Update to BuddyPress 2.4.2 today in your WordPress Dashboard, or by downloading from the plugin repository.
Questions or comments? Check out 2.4.2 changelog, or stop by our support forums or Trac.
Published on November 11th, 2015 by Mathieu Viet
Hot & Spicy, BuddyPress 2.4.0 “Pietro” is delivered!
Let’s discover the toppings that the team is most proud of in this latest major release.
Drag, Drop, your cover image is awesome!

Built on top of the BuddyPress Attachments API, Cover Images beautify your profile or group header. Thanks to the BuddyPress Theme Compat API, Cover Images should integrate with your Theme in the best way and adapt to your device screen size. If you need some “fine-tuning” of this feature, an in-depth guide is available on our Codex. Should you need further assistance in implementing this feature, just drop by the BuddyPress forums where you’re sure to find BP users able to help you.
Profile fields specific to your member types

Introduced in 2.2.0, the Member Types feature allows developers to categorize the members of their community in any way they choose – say, students and teachers. If your community uses this great feature, you can now specify that profile fields be made available to either one, some, or none of the registered Member Types.
Read more →
Published on November 11th, 2015 by Boone Gorges
BuddyPress 2.3.5 is now available.
This is a security release for all previous versions. All BuddyPress installations are strongly encouraged to upgrade immediately.
BuddyPress versions 2.3.4 and earlier are subject to a vulnerability that may allow privilege escalation for logged-in users. We have no evidence that this bug has ever been exploited in the wild, but we’re eager to make sure that it is not.
The vulnerability was discovered and reported by Slava Abakumov, and the fix was prepared by the BuddyPress team. Thanks to Slava for responsibly reporting the issue.
If your WordPress site supports automatic background updates, then your BuddyPress installation should update automatically, probably by the time you’ve read this blog post.
We always encourage users to run the latest version of BuddyPress. But for those sites that cannot update to the 2.3.x series for whatever reason, we’re simultaneously releasing version 2.0.4, 2.1.2, and 2.2.4, which include the fix for the vulnerability. You can download these packages manually from
Questions or comments? Stop by the support forums.
Published on October 29th, 2015 by Paul Wong-Gibbs
BuddyPress 2.4.0 Release Candidate 1 is now available for testing. Please download the 2.4.0-rc1 zip or get a copy via our Subversion repository. If you are a plugin or theme developer, or are running a BuddyPress powered site with a development environment available, your help testing is greatly appreciated.
A detailed changelog will be part of our official release notes, but check out the 2.4.0 Beta 1 post for the rundown of our favourite changes until then.
Let us know of any issues you find in the support forums and/or on our development tracker.
Published on October 22nd, 2015 by Mathieu Viet
BuddyPress 2.4.0 Beta 2 is available for testing. Please download the 2.4.0-beta2 zip or get a copy via our Subversion repository. If you are a plugin or theme developer, or are running a BuddyPress powered site with a development environment available, we’d love to have your help with testing.
Some improvements we’re introducing in this release are involving changes to our Template Pack. If you are partially or completely overriding it within your theme, we strongly recommend you to test and get ready to update your templates (if necessary) when 2.4.0 is released. If you are still using WordPress 3.6 or 3.7, we remind you BuddyPress 2.4.0 will require at least WordPress 3.8.
A detailed changelog will be part of our official release notes, but until then, here’s a rundown of some of our favourite changes. (Check out this report on Trac for a more detailed view.)
- Accessibility: we’ve made great improvements about this important topic in our Template Pack.
- Members Type & xProfile fields: you will be able to restrict profile fields to specific member types.
- Cover Images for Members and Groups are arriving in 2.4.0 and they are bringing very nice improvements to our BP Attachment API. Developers, make sure to give a look at this codex page.
- New companion stylesheets: Twenty Thirteen and Twenty Sixteen (to be shipped with WordPress 4.4).
- Groups single items: you can now customise their front page according to the ID/Slug of the Groups or their status thanks to a specific Template Hierarchy.
- Continued object & query cache enhancements.
- Tons of under-the-hood improvements.
- Continued coverage of inline code documentation, actions, & filters.
2.4.0 is almost ready, but please do not run it in a production environment just yet. Let us know of any issues you find in the support forums and/or on our development tracker.
Thanks everyone for all your contributions, and we are excited to release BuddyPress 2.4.0 very soon!
Published on October 7th, 2015 by Paul Wong-Gibbs
BuddyPress 2.3.4 is now available. This is a maintenance release and all BuddyPress installations are recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.
The release fixes a handful of bugs that were introduced in the 2.3 series, and improves support for administration changes made in WordPress 4.3.
Update to BuddyPress 2.3.4 today in your WordPress Dashboard, or by downloading from the plugin repository. Questions or comments? Check out 2.3.4 changelog, or stop by our support forums or Trac.