mobile theme for buddypress?
Is there any plan to include mobile friendly theme(s)? A theme that should co-exist with bp-default… There’re few mobile friendly themes for wordpress, but I doubt they work for buddypress.
After I finish a site I’m working on I’m going to hack that wordpress iphone plugin to work with BP
Hey just saw this posted.
Any word on mobile themes or solutions for Buddypress?
– Jeff –
has anyone tried wp-touch? works dandy in MU.
wp-touch is for a blog not BP. You would have to convert all the BP files to a mobile format. I’m waiting for new theme to be released before making a mobile version.
It will be based on one of the dev kits, iWebkit or iUI. so it will look like a native app.
sounds very promising…
What is the latest on this? Can anyone recommend a plugin/theme that works for BP or an approach how to make it work?
Ditto, I so need to know…
I’ve installed the Carrington theme/plugin site-wide on this site, but I don’t have a smartphone yet, so I don’t even know how to test it. If you have a chance to take a look on your mobile, let me know…
I guess it’s not detected in online emulators, not this one anyway. Are there other/better emulators I could try?
The Carrington theme is only WordPress of course. I’m curious if it at least works on the blog parts, including member blogs, or not at all. Perhaps it is possible to expand that theme.
Any update on this?
@SuluhuZetu I’m working on a mobile stylesheet that you would add to whatever theme you were using. I do have a mobile theme that deploys automatically (it’s a plugin), BUT it doesn’t work very well for my needs. Calling a separate stylesheet is the way to go, because you have full control and a minimum of problems.
A good place to start is to identify which sections you would not need when viewing in a browser, then set those as
If you’ve created a printer-friendly stylesheet before, this is very similar. You have to add extra rules for the elements you do want and don’t forget to preview it with a mobile phone tester. Thanks for the links. I’ll check them out just now. I am using the default theme at the moment and was keen on the forums being mobile browser friendly.
Care to give me a link to the plugin?@SuluhuZetu, Sorry for the delay:
Am awaiting wp-touch plugin
@glamgrif, Much appreciated for the link. I’ve just tried it in a buddypress install. True that it doesnt work at all for buddypress. I’ll probably look into launching a different stylesheet as well.
@afritech, No problemo
WPTouch improves teh look over the other plugin, but still not 100% solution:
How about just adding the activity, group, and forums folder to your mobile theme…. wouldn’t that work?
@joseffb I’ve tried that and it works but is not 100% The problem is WPTouch is made for a blog not groups, profiles and forums and various edit screens.
I’m putting together a simple default mobile theme based on the default BP theme. It’s not ready yet as a BP theme has many files to go through to make it look right.
I’ve been experimenting with WordPress Mobile Pack on my BuddyPress site. Made some progress so I thought I’d share how…
Context is BuddyPress already installed, WordPress Mobile Pack installed:
1) enable Appearance – Mobile Switcher
2) set the mobile theme to “WordPress Mobile (blue)” or other, but not base!!!
3) under Appearance – Menu, create a new custom menu (for mobile navigation) with the following 4 URL links…
Link: Activity /pathto/activity/
Link: Members /pathto/members/
Link: Groups /pathto/groups/
Link: Forums /pathto/forums/
4) add the custom menu to the bottom of your sidebar, under Widgets (unfortunately visible for non-mobile too, but it not too conspicuous)
5) now under Appearance – Mobile Widgets enable only that custom menu (otherwise mobile navigation is a problem)
6) the BuddyPress links don’t work as the mobile theme isn’t compatible, so hack them in on the command line:
$ cd ?pathto?/wp-content/themes/mobile_pack_base/
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/activity ./
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/forums ./
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members ./
$ cd ../mobile_pack_blue/ (or the one you’re using, but not base)
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/groups ./Your good to go! You can’t use the mobile base theme as it already has a “groups” directory which stuffs things up (if you’re not a nokia).
Care to share a link of your site with this enabled?
what does this mean?
6) the BuddyPress links don’t work as the mobile theme isn’t compatible, so hack them in on the command line:
$ cd ?pathto?/wp-content/themes/mobile_pack_base/
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/activity ./
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/forums ./
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/members ./
$ cd ../mobile_pack_blue/ (or the one you’re using, but not base)
$ ln -sf ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/groups ./How do I go about hacking them in command line?
Thanks!FYI I’m waiting on this to finish a mobile BP theme.
The alpha release is set for OCT so as soon as it’s available I’ll be working on it.
@modemlooper I seem to remember that at one time you were working on BuddiPhone. Was that simple a BuddyPress compatible theme or did it also include reply-by-email features?
@paulhastings0 what do you mean reply-by-email?
Well currently if “User A” makes a status update and then “User B” replies to his update, “User A” receives a notification in his email inbox and sees what “User B” said. Currently, if “User A” wants to respond to “User B” he has to log back into the social network, find the update, and then type in the message.
It would be easier for a lot of mobile users instead to hit “reply” in their email inbox and then just type in their response and then click “submit”.
The more I think about it though, it seems like “reply-by-email” would actually be a separate plugin. It would be useful not only for mobile users but also regular computer users. Although I think it would help mobile users the most.
thats a BP usability issue and not realky a mobile one as you can get email on your mobile device.
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