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How can I filter to show registered BUT unconfrimed Users?

  • @pisanojm


    We have about 20 users that have registered but have not validated their e-mail… I can see no good way to filter to show these reults… everyon is listed as a subscriber… Can anyone tell me a way that I can view the users who have signed-up, but not successfully validated their accounts using BuddyPress?

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  • @crashutah


    You can do a simple query on the database using phpmyadmin. The query would depend on if you’re using WPMU or WP.



    I have wp… what would the query be?



    This should work:
    SELECT * FROM `wp_users` WHERE `user_status` != 0



    Hey @techguy, I dropped some of the users that showed up in the query (not having validated) from the wp_users table, but then I noticed that there was a couple discrepencies with the user numbers on the user admin… so I did some checking and noticed that their user_id was also in the users_meta and xprofile_data… so I cleared there particular user_ids from those tables… and everything went back to “normal”….

    So I learned a good lesson here…find them with the query above (which works perfect) and then pull them from the the back_end of wordpress so all the related table data gets cleared….

    Everything is working fine now… but I’m slightly worried that I messed something up because those particular data was cleared. Thoughts?

    I backed everything up yesterday (but not before I pulled the data 3 hours ago)… another lesson there.



    Yes, I should have mentioned to delete them within WP. At least you learned a lot from the experience.

    I don’t think you’ll have major issues with it. Probably a few activity stream items still there (which seem to remain even if you delete them in WP) and if that user comes back to register it might not be pretty, but otherwise you should be ok I think.



    Looks like the deleted user also stays listed in the members list and still has a member page. I’m sure there’s a way to clean it up. One of these days someone will come out with a plugin that removes users that haven’t activated.



    I am so thankful for this forum and people like you on it. I apprecieate your feedback. Since the people that I dropped never completed their registration (i.e. never were validated) They were never added to those tables… so it looks pretty clear to me, I don’t see any stream/member info…because they never were added (lost in limbo somewhere until validation I guess). @techguy



    Oh yes, that’s right. You should be good then. I was thinking more of removing spammers that did validate, but then did nothing more. Or they did a drive by spamming.

    I’m glad to have a forum like this as well. Honestly, I’d missed the sense of community that you get by being really a part of an open source project like this.

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