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how to access to bbpress admin from buddypress??

  • Samuel Aguilera



    I’m running forums in BuddyPress 1.1.2 using the built in option NOT a separate BBPress installation.

    And I wonder how I can modify some forums options that are not present in BuddyPress admin (i.e. how to active a new theme for the forum that I uploaded previously to /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/my-templates/).

    So I want to know if there is any way to access to BBPress admin interface (located at /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/bb-admin/) when you’re using the built in option for forums.

    Best regards,


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  • Xevo


    As far as I know, there isn’t a administration panel for bbpress in buddypress. That’s why I’m planning to integrate buddypress into bbpress, much easier to make moderators as well.

    And since it’s not a important feature, I don’t see Andy or JJJ making it any time soon.



    I can’t even find where you create a forum topic in the new integrated BBPress.

    Jeff Sayre



    Forums integrate into groups. Therefore, if bbPress has been activated and a given group has enabled forums, then you need to navigate to a group that you belong to and click the “Forum” menu. You can then see and respond to existing threads or create a new thread.


    I’m also experimenting with this today. As an admin I tried to start a new group with a new forum but was given a warning on the group creation screen, saying I needed to configure forums correctly at:


    but that page doesn’t exist. I might not have these forums configured correctly, as I can’t see where I’m supposed to start a thread or create a new forum, as I did in bbpress.

    Jeff Sayre



    Have you enabled bbPress in WPMU’s backend as Site Admin? You go to “BuddyPress > Forums Setup” and click the appropriate button.



    Just completed new installation of BuddyPress and activated new bbPress. Settings show that the Forums are installed correctly. I have a couple of groups that are “Public” that have at least one topic. I am incorrect in thinking that these topics should be visible on this page:

    It seems like it just defaults to

    Does it have anything to do with the theme I have selected for BuddyPress pages?

    Try reverting to the default theme and see if it works.



    This topic seems to go a bit offtopic, so there’s no way to use the administration panel of bbPress?

    If for example I wanted to activate plugins bbpress how can I do?



    You cannot use the admin panel of bbPress if you use the one/two click BuddyPress installation. If you want a bbPress admin panel and want to install bbPress plugins, you need to install bbPress externally, then use the WordPress integration plugin, then you go to BuddyPress Forum component and click on “I want to use exisiting bbPress forum”



    Thank for reply.

    But let me say that I hope that in the future release we have some basic setting pannel for bbpress.



    copy your bb-config.php file from your root to /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/. It worked for me, but your account has to be the keymaster, and I set up BBPress first, and then BuddyPress, syncd, and then integrated. Not everything will work… which is what I am trying to find out how now.

    just make sure bb-config.php is in both places….



    Copied the file as you recommended and still can’t find an admin panel for bbpress. Where do I go after copying the file?

    Also, I took the bb-config.php file from the root, but there’s bb-config-sample.php in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/ are those the same?

    Anyway…where’s the bbpress admin panel?



    PS: Is it because I installed buddypress first and then used the one click thing to install bbpress? I really don’t feel like wiping everything out and starting over just to re-order the installs…

    I’d like to comment for anyone who comes across this thread, if you do this just to get into the bbpress admin panel, *none* of the changes will carry across into BuddyPress -> Groups -> Forums views. You have to run an external bbPress installation for that to happen.



    Check out this info by M:

    You’ve been warned though!



    How is it supposed to work out the box? I mean, it looks like the only thing that works is to create a group, which thereby creates a forum discussion. There doesn’t seem to be any way at all to administer the forums.

    What I’m looking to do is create forum categories or “boards” the way buddypress did here:

    It looks like buddypress calls this a “Main Theme,” so my question could likely be better phrased: How do I create a “Main Theme” in Forums?

    How is it supposed to work out the box? I mean, it looks like the only thing that works is to create a group, which thereby creates a forum discussion. There doesn’t seem to be any way at all to administer the forums.

    The site or group administrators go into a group and they will have extra controls to moderate threads. I believe all the bbPress functionality is included, but perhaps not the ability to move a thread to another forum (group).

    What I’m looking to do is create forum categories or “boards” the way buddypress did here:

    Then you need a seperate, external install of bbPress and then you need to integrate that into BuddyPress.

    It looks like buddypress calls this a “Main Theme,” so my question could likely be better phrased: How do I create a “Main Theme” in Forums?

    With the external bbPress install method, you need to create a bbPress theme to your requirements. With the BuddyPress two-click install, look at these files:

    /themes/bp-default/groups/single/forum.php and the /forum directory in that path, too.



    With a std install of BP 1.2 you don’t have the ability to activate bbPress plugins, create forums independent of groups, etc. As of this date BP 1.2 only offers limited bbPress functionality from within BP. If you want more functionality you have to copy bb-config.php per the post at the URL below and then access the bbpress at http[yoursite]/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress

    If you want to separate non-group forums from group forums so that people don’t see group forums when viewing a list of forums (as seen in a typical standalone install of bbPress) then one way to do that is to do a second install of bbpress. Easiest way is to install BP 1.2, activate the forums in the admin panel, then go copy the /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress directory to a new location within your site – and be sure to also copy bb-config.php from the bp-forums directory and then edit the file so that it has the correct settings. That’s a simplified explanation, meaning there’s a bit more to it and you need to at least be semi-familiar with installing and administering bbpress software. For example, you probably should have the second copy of bbPress use its own db tables, etc.

    John James Jacoby


    Until bbPress is a core WordPress plugin, BuddyPress hijacks your forums and takes over the controls.



    @johnjamesjacoby I was so stoked when I found this thread, thinking I finally found a way to run a normal forum but allow users to have the same log in account for buddypress and bbpress, but after I went through it all integrating the two, buddypress just shoved the forum right back into their groups.

    Well, yes. If you have an external bbPress install, you need to link to that on your site directly.



    Yeah, but like I was saying this thread sounded like by integrating the two it would integrate the user accounts too.



    @alanchrishughes – It sounds like you want to integrate a standalone version of bbPress with WordPress, I’ve already given you directions on how to do this.

    Please do not hijack an old thread, post a new one to discuss your problems, or go on the bbPress forums for help.

    *Edit: Here’s another guide that might be easier to follow:



    @r-a-y Like I said that doesn’t integrate it with buddypress.



    There are limitations, but it depends on what you mean by integration!

    The tutorials I listed integrates single sign-on with standalone bbPress and WordPress, which consequently means BuddyPress as well.



    If nothing else I was hoping it would consolidate the user accounts so people won’t have to log into two separate things.

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