Wow! That looks awesome! Really, great job!
Here are some names I thought of:
BuddyPhone, MobileBuddy, BPphone, BuddyGo (Buddypress on the go)
its all really a matter of taste for the name. In my opinion, I think BuddiPhone already sounds great!
Really great job, Modemlooper. This is one of the awaited by members of my site. I certainly will try to use it later.
Is the mobile theme going to be available for public soon?
Well done modemlooper – it looks awesome. Need some help testing?
BuddiPhone – looking very nice btw
@Andy or anybody who may know.
Where in the theme files can I edit the code for an activity post that says where and when with the view and delete links. I don’t see this anywhere.
admin commented on the blog post Layout Test 3 hours, 25 minutes ago View Delete
I need to relocate this if I can.
@modemlooper, cool stuff! you know if the tweetsream plugin works to on the template? would be great!
Making it work on default install then will add in support for some of the plugins. Tweetstream, Oembed and Gallery. Not sure how that will work as they have their own theme files.
You can look at the start of this theme. I have it activated on test site. I have only been working on activity stream.
Viewing this on my iphone right now and it look pretty good. I always wanted to see a BP iPhone theme. Also am looking into jQuery / jQTouch into making a BuddyPress actually look like an iPhone app but first things first.
Great job so far.
YEP – agree: Great job so far. Really looking forward to this!
I tried jqtouch and uikit and both had some JavaScript conflicts with some plugins.
I’ve managed to get iui kit working with it. It’s a significant leap from a basic theme to actually looking and acting like a native app with sliding navigation. iui was used to build the facebook iphone app.
Though I have to rework the entire navigation structure.
Choose BuddiPhone as the name.
Coolio! Did you figure out how to remove the view / delete links? Let me know if you need help with this.
Well if its hacking core I don’t want to do that. That would cause headaches on updates. Still deciding on how this app will work. May kill some of the filters. It’s a bit much to use on mobile.
What are the necessities?
You wouldn’t have to hack the core, it would be a filter.
We could probably check to see if a user is using an iPhone or mobile phone using this PHP library:
And then apply a filter to remove the view/delete links if it’s an iPhone.
I like it. Will be very popular when it’s finished.
Good job.
Very impressive, don’t forget android phones and also enable other plugins to integrate well with the theme like events, gallery etc…
That’s the future for web sites to make it mobile!
Nice job, looks awesome, will this be a real app or just a theme?
@ Gpo1: How many off the mobile web users have android? I’ve only been building for iPhone myself.
Great modemlooper.. your being a big help with releasing all kinds of cool design stuff for the community. Cool
@Xevo kinda a mixture, a Thapp? LOL
It’s not an app, users will not have to download anything. There will be two versions a free basic version and a premium with options.
@Gpo1 you cannot upload to the web from an iphone so creating photo galleries will not work. The only way to get images onto a site from an iphone is through a native app that allows upload access or by emailing. Any plugin that can work and has good support will be made to work with the premium version.
Couple more screen shots.
Blog post
All I have to say is I’m getting a serious BP theme education from doing this project.