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Hi, @sakarya I’ve managed to get that kind of functionality in my site by using groups with added custom extra fields. That way I can sub-categorize them and list them in any special ways I want. Maybe that could help you… let me know if you want me to tell you more, regards
@juanmaguerrero Could I please have a look at the function, Im looking for something simular.
@juanmaguerrero, using groups for content, I need different plugin.
Hi again, @sakarya I’m not quite sure of what you refer to when you say you’re using them for content, but you can customize everything having a group “tagged” as a page. I have scrapped Facebook’s categories and kept just a few that has to do with my own community ( f.e: Local commerce or business / Institution / Surf School / Public or famous person / Professional sportsman / Music artist or band and so on…
Then I list only that “groups” in separate directory pages, and customize everithing in the creation process and the way they look. For example, if it’s a “local commerce” I add a google interactive map with the address. If it’s a person not, of course. You can do preety much everything…