but is a premium plugin… not free like akismet… argh!
There is no problem with people recommending certain plugins, either paid-for or “free.” If this was Gpo1’s own plugin, then that would count as advertising. But as it isn’t… good find! Will have to take a look sometime.
The WPMUDEV folks purport to be big players on the bP community but they have zero presence on these boards helping people out and they have plugins designed to suck you into their overpriced premium model. I treat everything on that site with a cautious eye. But that’s just me
Plugin looks great and their blog is also great (WPMU.org).. I’m not so sure about their premium thingie though.. The plugin does look very good, so I’ll keep an eye on it
My experiences with the premium plugins/themes in the past hasn’t been good to be honest. I can understand them wanting to be reimbursed for their work though.
I’d say the noteworthy features for Anti-Splog are their API and limiting number of signups per IP per 24 hours.
I don’t really like the “changing signup page location every 24 hours” feature, although I understand the rationale, I’d prefer a permanent location for indexing reasons.
The rest of it is doable.
To make it seem like their plugin is uber-spectacular, they’ve created a flowchart :p
Thanks DJPaul, I find these plugins and don’t advert them,but let people know of them.
I don’t en-dose them or warrant anything only FYI !
So, has anyone given this plugin a shake down? It’s been a few months now… 
I joined it, and downloaded it – but have yet to use it.. apparently the plugin requires a “phone home” to one of the wpmu dev computers every time someone or some spammer tries to sign up – and you need to have a current subscription to their premium service in order for that part to work… I asked in their forums (as a paid current member) if the other parts of the plugin will still work if I discontinue my monthly paid subscription to wpmu dev premium – and I got no response about that.. so I have yet to install it – as I can not see paying every month for the rest of my life…
there has also been discussion about using the plugin to go through all of your past members and looking for splogers – and apparently it will not work for that – only for new signups…
Right now my hope is that bp-registration options ( https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bp-registration-options/ ) will incorporate some of the tricks from TTC ban hammer ( https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ban-hammer/changelog/ )and that the buddypress code will actually make it easier for us stop spmmers – right now buddypress ignores wordpress’ ban email domain features – and that just sucks – the bp registration options stops about 80% of the spammers from being able to post – but there is something in the BP code that lets some of them scoot right through, even with hashcash plugin, SI captcha plugin, and the BP registration Options running – buddpress wastes about 3 hours a week of my time simply deleting sploggers… but hey there are new features coming soon right? LOL
There is a new anti-splog plugin, you can try it, is free for personal use: