Widget-Logic & Default theme not working?!
I was thrilled about the option with the widget-logic-plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/widget-logic). That way I could customize the BP-Sidebar alot more… With one of the trunk-versions it just worked very well… But now, it doesn’t seem to work anymore… it just shows the widget everywhere – no matter what conditional-tag I put in.
Does anyone have experience with this or have a solution?
Thanks alot!
Has someone a test-install to maybe doublecheck that issue???
I just tried it on a different test-install… strange: There it works!
Where it does not work, it’s a subdirectories-install and where it works, it’s on subdomains…
Any ideas (although now it seems, that it has not much to do with BP).
Widget logic is awesome and extremely useful. I was using it with a subdirectory install on BP1.1 with no issues, but have yet to install it on my 1.2 testbed. If I remember, I’ll report back after I give it a try.
thanks! would be glad to have a solution to that strange issue!
Widget logic works fine using the BP conditional tags on 1.2
atleast for me!
any ideas, why it could not be wokring on one install – but works on another… ?
Yeah not working for me atm either, latest 1.3 version, default theme.
Found this plugin which says it works under WPMU: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/display-widgets/
Haven’t tested it under BP though…
i tried widget-logic on a wpmu 2.9.2 and bp 1.2.3 install: didn’t work well globaly
In some case it breaked my template, in other simply didn’t work… also with exception (using !) won’t work… This is the end… ta da da…
I’ve been trying this plugin with wpmu 2.9.2 and 1.2.3 and it works great…until you try extending the logic to buddypress generated pages. That may be my fault, not understanding the correct formatting for the conditional tags.
Can someone suggest the correct logic to use for, say: “siteurl/groups/mygroupname”?
That’s my question as well – works in the default theme in 1.2 except on the buddypress generated pages. Sadly, I’ve had no luck uncovering the right logic to use!
Hmmmm. It seems that it will work with any new pages I’ve created, UNTIL I make a new page the page where blog entries are posted. When I set a new page to be the default page for posts, the Widget Logic specifying that particular widgets appear or be excluded from the sidebar is automatically ignored.
@Bowe You say the plugin works with BP conditional tags? Please elaborate!
@Bowe Holy smokes, you’re right! BP conditional tags work in widget logic plugin on wpmu 2.9.2 using subdomains with bp 1.2.3. Nice!
I changed the syntax for the one BP uses and the plugin is working so far.
For example, instead of using the standar conditional tags !is_page(‘register’) try !bp_is_register_page() in order to prevent a widget to show up in the sidebar when a user gets to “yourdomain.com/register”
A full list of functions to determine the current page can be found at https://wordpress.org/support/topic/buddypress-and-widget-logic (thanks to alanft)
I hope this may help
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