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  • @4ella


    Thank you @hnla and @mercime, I understand very well the situation, no problem for that, it will require a little bit more work for a good thing, I will try to make everything to create a new theme (probably from Twenty Twelve Theme as Mercime suggested) to be very similar to the good old bp-default theme (hope that 2 columns Twenty Twelve will not break my responsive design), because I really liked that theme, anyway thanks both for your advices, I will do exactly as you suggested and will start to create a test site and prepare new theme to start to work with BP 1.9.



    Thank you @mercime for your warning, I am not very happy with the fact that bp-default is going to be a past, I like that theme, I thought that I will avoid a lot of problems staying with default theme, but for sure developers knows what they do, so I will start to think about the different theme, and will do everything to be a responsive from the start, instead to continue to maintain and edit this one. I would welcome some expert’s recommendation which one should for buddypress fit best now.



    thank you @matt-mcfarland , I am using firefox firebug too, but to be honest this css customization I am not able to set, the website is , thanks again for taking a look.

    btw. I use bp-default theme, I have made a lot of customizations there, but most of that was only changing the theme colours and setting the theme width to 800px(I would bet that there should be a problem)



    I have the same problem with my bp-default theme, but I didn’t understand what exactly should I change, my website is totally broken when used with mobile phones or viewed on small displays.
    Normal diplay
    Browser non resized
    Smaller display
    Browser resized
    Could you tell me pls. what exactly should I do to do not get things one below another but staying always the same?


    Participant helped me:

    function bp_registrations_today($activated = false) {
        global $wpdb;
        $query = "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}users WHERE DATE(user_registered) = CURDATE()";
        if ( $activated ) {
            $query .= " AND user_status = 0";
        return $wpdb->get_var($query);

    To get the number of users registered today, call the function as

    echo bp_registrations_today();

    To get the number of users registered today with activated accounts, call the function as

    echo bp_registrations_today(true);



    nobody can help?



    no 🙁 , BP Groups Frontpage is a nice plugin, it is a pity that @timcarey don’t update this plugin anymore.



    This is my working new tab in bp-custom.php if this helps

    // Set up Custom BP navigation
    function my_setup_nav() {   
       if ( user_can( bp_displayed_user_id(), 'job_applicant' ) ) {  
       global $bp;
          bp_core_new_nav_item( array(
                'name' => __( 'Portfolio', 'buddypress' ),
                'slug' => 'portfolio',
                'position' => 20,
                'screen_function' => 'profile_screen_portfolio' 
          ) );
          // Change the order of menu items
          $bp->bp_nav['messages']['position'] = 100;
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'my_setup_nav' );
    // show portfolio when 'Portfolio' tab is clicked
    function profile_screen_portfolio() {
    add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'profile_screen_portfolio_show' );
    bp_core_load_template( 'members/single/plugins' );
    function profile_screen_portfolio_show() {
    // call your stats template
    locate_template( array( 'portfolio-profile.php' ), true );



    This code looks very interesting and it is exactly what I meant , but I use gravity forms everywhere what is easy to set and unfortunately I am not a PHP expert, so I can’t help you with your problem. But I will watch this thread , I want to see a final working solution.



    I would simply create a custom post type “car” and then add them or in admin backend dashboard as post titles with searchable custom fields as country of origin, year of construction, etc or with gravity forms in frontend. Posts you can after add in every user profile page new tab “My Cars”.



    I have decided to create my own new tabs, which shows displayed user custom posts depending on displayed user roles, so if I have girl model, visitors see her “portfolio” tab with her curricullum (custom post=portfolio) previously created by gravity forms, the same for example for photographers who has another “photographer” tab with his custom post type=photographer with his services, photos ecc. It is much more better for me, if somebody will need those codes I can upload them here. This week I would like also to create another tab(s) (create, edit or both) with user role specific gravity form which will create that custom post directly from the user profile.



    This solution doesn’t work for me, but if you made some customization as I did you can try it, but I would bet that in your case it is some old plugin issue related.



    @mercime is right this is a javascript issue, cropping function conflicts with some code or plugin, happily I have discovered yesterday the same issue immediately after installing ajax message box in single.php from this site which I wanted to use to greet people with ajax message conditionally by knowing where are they from (using maxmind geoip which already works) and if they come from search engines, after removing that
    <script src=""></script>
    from header.php cropping function start to work again, on are many answers (one of them cropping related and most of them speaks about this solution in code below in functions.php or bp_custom.php what are solutions which doesn’t work for me too 🙁

    // Javascript conflict
    function mytheme_enqueue_scripts() {
           wp_register_script('jquery', (""), false, '1.4.2');
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'mytheme_enqueue_scripts');

    Hopefully @mercime should help me how to avoid this js conflict, I am unfortunately not able to use ajax-admin.php instead jquery as most people there advice to use.
    WP 3.6 and BP 1.8 beta2 and I use bp default theme



    This should work (added: ‘author’ => bp_displayed_user_id(), )

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ):

    ‘post_type’ => ‘klusjes’,
    ‘author’ => bp_displayed_user_id(),
    ‘showposts’ => 3
    ) );
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <h3><a href=”<?php the_permalink() ?>”><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
    <p><?php echo limit_words(get_the_excerpt(), ’20’); ?></p>
    <?php endwhile;

    else :

    echo “Je hebt nog geen klusjes geplaatst”;




    I have noticed now that this is 2 ys. old thread 🙁



    Did you make it work @logeshmba ?



    @azchipka Yes, I have Beta WordPress 3.6-beta4-24534 and also Beta 1.8 today I am going to upgrade to 1.8 full version, at this moment when I install your plugin and I click on MY POSTS tab in admin (admin has 1700 posts) I get this page: which gives me PAGE NOT FOUND , I have also installed buddyblog which works perfect, but I have also many post types and I want them work too, unfortunately at this moment Brajesh’s plugin works only for one post type, your plugin works with all users post types?



    Snippets are always better, at least for me, less plugins better is, I don’t need this function but if I will need it I will choose this snippet, hope that @bphelp is working on hundreds new useful snippets on his site, I will visit them daily 🙂



    I think that Brajesh’s plugin does exactly this:



    @evrenk That snippet works with gravity forms text field, I already know that it doesn’t work with dropdown fields, I didn’t test it with other fields as radio etc buttons, I will also try to find a solution for dropdown fields and if I will find it I will report it here.



    If somebody need it, I got that working with gravity forms using this code, gravity forms parameter name= city

    add_filter("gform_field_value_city", "populate_city");
    function populate_city($value){
         global $current_user;
         return xprofile_get_field_data('city', $current_user->ID);



    I am trying something similar with gravity forms, I am trying to pre-populate gravity forms fields with buddypress profile data fields and I can’t get it work too, I am using something like this in functions.php if it helps:

    // Buddypress pre-populate phone
        add_filter("form_field_value_phone", "populate_phone");
        function populate_phone() {
                $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
                $current_user_id = $current_user->ID;
                $phone = bp_profile_field_data( array('user_id'=>$current_user_id,'field'=>'phone' ));
                return $phone;



    yes, You will only need 3 plugins in case that Achievements plugin supports Custom Post Types:
    1.Gravity Forms plugin
    2.Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types plugin
    3.Achievements plugin



    This is very nice article about pre populating user meta:



    This is the old thread but the same question, I didn’t want to spam here that’s why I will ask the same question here again, I would like to dynamically populate buddypress data into custom post types gravity forms when the user is logged in, I am succesfully populating wordpress user meta, but I don’t know the code in functions.php for buddypress profile fields to make them work, I have already asked on Gravity Help forum, but there are plenty of questions like that and the same as mine question they have never been answered, I hope that maybe somebody from this forum already had to resolve that problem in the past.

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