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  • @afjsystem


    What is the differences between BP network activated and BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG ?
    if BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG define as true, is it same with BP network activated ?





    this thread answer my question.
    The user can login to any network using username and the password using theirs at main blog.
    But, the avatar like mercime said. its only per site. User HAVE TO upload avatar again on each network.



    i red it. and i still confuse, where i put the function ? in theme or the plugins that i want to record or in BP plugins.
    AFAIK, from that article i should put it in the plugins. correct ?

    and the “dolphin” word is the custom post type.

    ok thank you @mercime



    i ain’t developer so this SVN is new to me. i translate the po file using poedit as i need for my site.

    it’s ok, just waiting @sofyand reply. i wrote comments in his posts.



    there’s no way just upload my file (import) the mo file into

    i already leave comment on the post.

    thank you



    In buddypress settings, tab Pages, you should set each pages needed Directory and Registration.
    How ?

    Click New Page for each and save it all (associated). You can named it all you want but not to make user confuse.



    Nice.. its worked. thank you @Chouf1

    i volunteer my translation to be use in buddypress localization. where i should submit the mo and po file ?



    yes @ubernaut .. now i got it. i have network activated and the clear differences is the widget in second blog.. thank you.



    yes, i tried both. network activated and not activated.
    when in network activated, my users registered using buddypress registration and become users in first blog. but if any user creates blog, none of other users become the user of second blog. even there’s no sign of buddypress presents in second blog.

    i think i missed the knowledge-base here. or not ?

    in not network activated environment, there’s is no different with above environment.
    that’s why i ask about what kind BP network activated affect to multisite, especially for not main blog.



    just to make sure because i also want to little tweak of my buddypress

    1. i need to make a folder /buddypress/ inside my theme folder.
    2. copying all files inside /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress into folder in step 1.
    3. if i need to tweak buddypress css then i need to copy buddypress.css into my theme’s css folder (create folder if not any)
    4. is that right ?



    it solved. thanks.



    it solved. it’s because previous installation and some part left in mysql database. now clean.

    i’m running wp 3.5.1 (multisite subdir) + BP 1.7 rc1 + Bbp 2.3 rc1.

    but there’is still one thing that i thought not in place. its dot style with far space
    here is the screenshot :

    is there any way to fix ?



    so how to completely uninstall BP and try reinstall it ? is it only by deleting from plugins ?



    My WP version is 3.5.1 and the BP 1.7 beta. i’m using the headlines woothemes (but 1.7 works for all themes right ?)

    I’m using mingle forum to set forum, Nextend FB Connect, and SEO Yoast.

    i haven’t customize functions.php nor bp-custom.php

    o i’m using headlines child theme

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