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  • @anaxent


    well this feature is a part of wordpress its self. It uses apache mod_rewrite module to rewrite the urls. Since you posted localhost as part of your url make sure that your server has mod_rewrite apache module installed and active then make sure to set your permalink structure for your site via wordpress admin -> settings -> permalinks.



    So the site is coming along pretty well. The menu has been fixed though I think I want to use different colors for the subnav. Id like to add the who is online and follow widgets to the enhanced members widget which will clean up the sidebar a bit. I am also still working on the buddypress look and feel. With having a few buddypress plugins the menu bar gets so convoluted so I decided to strech the bar the width of the main content which to me looks to have cleaned things up. I have also installed WoWRoster which I do plan on converting into a wp/buddypress plugin when I have time between work and playing wow. The roster is installed here



    when using simple embed code to embed the swf you will need to add this attribute wmode=”opaque” if you are using object code to embed your swf you will need to add a new parameter



    Shhot the alliance thing… I know… I started playing alliance in closed beta all the way upto LK but now that cata is out I figured I would play a worgen.



    @alienjackhammer do you have your recruitment form posting directly to the forums or is the widget separate from the form



    Right I am still working on skinning a few of the areas including the nav and then will continue adding content to the pages.



    I Just installed a fresh copy of wp 3.0.1 and bp 1.2.6 and received a 500 error using

    System Linux
    PHP Version 5.2.12
    Server API CGI

    When I switch my php version to 4.4.8 buddypress installs fine then I switch back to 5.2.12 I start to get the 500 errors again.
    I am running this install on a shared hosting platform which I do not have access to the apache error logs to really figure this out. I was wondering if anyone else is having this same issue.



    @thekmen so do you have this theme working with the new version of bp 1.4.5 and 3.0? I have been using your version of mystique for awhile now and have had to make adjustments to other plugins theme files but other than that it seems to be working good…. though I still seem to have the iusse I had on the activity page where the footer was not put in place right in which data started to over lap. in my case now I seem to have an hr line at the bottom of the page that over laps the main container.



    oh ok thank you



    So I know classifieds uses another blog for all of its posted data though going into wordpress 3 I think that it would be better if classifieds used the new post type function.



    @thekmen How does he featured post template come into play I do not see an option on posts or pages to make one or another to be a feature.



    @thekmen I am thinking the missing div closing could be in the sidebar code on my main blogs page the hr above the footer extends outside the page content.



    line 606 in lib/core.php I see the use of get_the_author() now I do not know for sure but I think there is a bp function for this wp function may want to do a search and replace if there is indeed a different function to use.



    I will look into this as well, but just incase you know where to set it at. All profile links link to wp-admin/profile.php when they should probably link to the bp profile for each user.



    I also noticed that the custom header background image does not carry across all pages example – with the custom image – with out it



    I have tried to use the theme with in the current zip above and all is well except for the activity stream. seems a container is not properly closed as the footer is cramed to the right and stops 1/2 way through the stream the rest of the stream over laps into the background



    id like to see the new wp 3.0 nav functionality added to the buddy press default theme
    added to functions.php

    add_theme_support( ‘nav-menus’ );

    to show the menu in header.php

    ‘menu_order’, ‘container_class’ => ‘menu-header’, ‘container_id’ => ‘nav’ ) ); ?>



    @Modemlooper @apeatling what if this forums activity situation could be fixed by not allowing one to post to their activity unless it is to only update there status profile only if that feature is enabled on the site. In this situation the activity stream could show everything i does not but would not confuse someone in thinking they are making a blog post or even a forum post. Each activity entry that is plugin enabled could have it’sown preset links to go to the group page for viewing or posting. I really like the idea of groups having all the options that buddypress has but I agree that it is confusing using groups with forums with the activity stream. Though this solution would alow the activity stream to be a real time site update page for all plugins/pages with in the wp/buddyress site that would also show data for all subsites with in mu or 3.0

    I am one of the developers for and I have been following buddypress for sometime now as I would like to use it for our main site. When we started back in 04 we used phpbb2, then when to DragonflyCMS after we suffered a magor data loss due to an outage, and now we currently use phpbb3. We know we have limitations with phpbb3 and after I have been using WP along with buddpress I can really see the potential our site can have with our community. Though most of our community is accustom to forums rather than cms or now all that including a social networking layer….. I have peronally been able to weed though the nuances with the way buddypress deals with forums, blogs, and activity, though I feel if one would not be able to add content to the activity stream directly from the page it would ease the understanding on where one should be posting information. I personally see the activity stream being just that showing what is going on through out the whole site. If one wants to post they do it from the forums, if one wants to update a status they do it from thier profile and or group page they are an admin or mod too. and then anything that happens with in the site and update to profile, group, blog, and or any plugin should show in the activity stream for real time(with refreshes) viewing.



    I was thinking bp-album should allow the user to create more than one album to then upload and associate pictures too. bp-album should also be able to handle other media types so that one would not have to have other profile tabs making this one tab for all media pictures and video either uploaded or hot linked.

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