Forum Replies Created
In terms of being scalable, isn’t a cookie less overhead than a database query?
In this case: no, no it’s not. Your cookie will grow and grow with each new forum topic read. It is doomed.
Think about scalability too – does it make sense to store a marker for every topic, given that it will grow with every new user and every new topic?
Another way to do it would be to store a “high tide mark” for every user on each forum, recording the highest post number that a user has read. That way, when they come back to the forum, you can do an easy SELECT on topics which have a post higher than the high tide mark, and flag those as having unread posts.
3sixty, I’d strongly recommend not doing it that way. ISTM that it’s far better if you store this info server-side, not client-side: it’s information that’s specific to the logged-in user, not to the browser they’re logged in from. I wouldn’t want to see posts marked as new, that I’d already read, just because I was using a different browser or a different machine. Big cookies harm browser-side performance, too.
Yes, I’m interested in working on extending buddypress’s forum capabilities. Here’s my work in progress:
What does the link in the activation email look like? What’s the “.php” bit of the URL, specifically? (is this in WPMU?)
I’d say, definitely go with how you’ve got it now, by adding classes through javascript: it works, and it seems to be gaining popularity: quite right too – it’s a great plugin.
Yes, I’d say wait for the hook to make it into a release version of buddypress before removing the javascript way of adding classes to posts.
re creating diff files – yes, SVN is clunky. If you’re developing in windows, tortoiseSVN isn’t too bad an interface to it.
As admin, go to Group > admin > Manage members > and next to the user who you want to be a moderator, select “promote to mod”
I’ve just attached the theme patch to the trac ticket here
trac ticket and patch are here
whoops – just collided with @Erich73
anyway, my patch would be for adding links to report posts as abusive, rather than for tackling the issue of group creation
I’ve just proposed the adding of a new action hook that would make it easy to develop a plugin for this. The action hook is suggested for another purpose, but would work for this purpose as well.
See – the proposed action is bp_single_forum_topic_links
If that hook gets incorporated, then writing a plugin to do what you want would be very easy.
Alternatively, you could also just modify your theme directly, to add it. See the theme file groups/single/forum/topic.php</b> , in the loop:
while ( bp_forum_topic_posts() ) : bp_the_forum_topic_post();
At the moment, the classes are added to individual posts in a topic, by javascript. This results in extra server load, because wordpress has to do two whole startups for each such page. The trade-off is adding another apply_filter and a do_action to the theme, but as this plugin already benefits from one such proposed theme change, we can get two for the price of one.
Proposed change to buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/groups/single/forum/topic.php, from line 26:
<ul id="topic-post-list" class="item-list">
<?php while ( bp_forum_topic_posts() ) : bp_the_forum_topic_post(); ?>
<li <?php
$topic_post_id = bp_get_the_topic_post_id();
echo "id='post-$topic_post_id' class='",
apply_filters('bp_single_forum_topic_post_css',array('class'=>'', 'post_id'=>$topic_post_id)),
?> >
<div class="poster-meta">
<a href="<?php bp_the_topic_post_poster_link() ?>">
<?php bp_the_topic_post_poster_avatar( 'width=40&height=40' ) ?>
<?php echo sprintf( __( '%s said %s ago:', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_the_topic_post_poster_name(), bp_get_the_topic_post_time_since() ) ?>
<div class="post-content">
<?php bp_the_topic_post_content() ?>
<div class="admin-links">
if ( bp_group_is_admin() || bp_group_is_mod() || bp_get_the_topic_post_is_mine() ) :
do_action( 'bp_single_forum_topic_links' , $topic_post_id );
<a href="#post-<?php echo $topic_post_id; ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Permanent link to this post', 'buddypress' ) ?>">#</a>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</ul>Proposed change to buddypress-rate-forum-posts/bp-rate-forum-posts.php, insert:
// modifies the css class for topics to highlight popular posts, and hide very unpopular ones
function rfp_css_class_for_post($args) {
global $rfp;
$class = $args['class'];
$post_rating = rfp_get_post_rating( $args['post_id'] );
$rfpclass = '';
if ( $post_rating == NULL )
$rfpclass = '';
else if ( $post_rating >= $rfp->superboost )
$rfpclass = 'rfp-superboost';
elseif ( $post_rating >= $rfp->boost )
$rfpclass = 'rfp-boost';
elseif ( $post_rating <= $rfp->hide )
$rfpclass = 'rfp-hide';
elseif ( $post_rating <= $rfp->diminish )
$rfpclass = 'rfp-diminish';
//error_log("in rfp_css_class_for_post rating '$post_rating' adding class '$rfpclass' to '$class' with args ".print_r($args,true));
return $class.($class?' ''').$rfpclass;
add_filter( 'bp_single_forum_topic_post_css', 'rfp_css_class_for_post', 3);
function rfp_echo_hidden_post_link($post_id) {
global $rfp;
$post_rating = rfp_get_post_rating( $post_id );
if ( $post_rating && $post_rating <= $rfp->hide )
echo "<span class='rfp-show' onclick='jQuery(this).remove();jQuery("#post-$post_id").removeClass( "rfp-hide" );'>Click to show this hidden post</span>";
add_action( 'bp_single_forum_topic_links', 'rfp_echo_hidden_post_link', 3);And then the javascript section starting
jQuery(document).ready( function()
can be removed from buddypress-rate-forum-posts/js, and the corresponding section can be removed from the end of buddypress-rate-forum-posts/rate.phpWhat do you think about displaying the karma on the profile page too?
Something like this:
function rfp_show_poster_karma() {
global $bp;
$poster_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
$karma = get_usermeta( $poster_id, 'rfp_post_karma' );
echo rfp_poster_karma($karma);
add_filter( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'rfp_show_poster_karma' );The collision with BP-TinyMCE is caused by that plugin, not by BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts.
It happens because of what goes on in the function bp_tinymce_allowed_tags in bp-tinymce.php . It removes attributes ONCLICK, ID and CLASS from A tags, it removes ID and CLASS from SPAN tags, and it removes the DIV tag with its CLASS and ID. So, by adding those into the $allowedtags array inside bp_tinymce_allowed_tags, the problem goes away.
Thank you! It works well (wp 2.9.2, bp 1.2.1, rfp 1.0.3).
But it does collide with BP-TinyMCE – if that’s active, then the thumbs up/down don’t appear on forum posts. I’ll have a poke around and see if I can find the cause.
Grrr, my posts to this thread aren’t appearing here. Please check my activity stream to see what I wrote earlier!
There’s a trac ticket with a patch for bp-core.php, and a reworked version of Andy Peatling’s plugin, just here:
just had this problem. Oddly, posts appear in my activity stream, but I can’t see them if I log out and view the thread I posted to. I can see them if I’m logged in. And in some threads, I get no reply box. Like here: – “1post, no voice”?
There’s a trac ticket with a patch for bp-core.php, and a reworked version of Andy Peatling’s plugin, just here:
Code revised to give protection even if buddypress gets deactivated: adds a second line of defence by hooking a wordpress action too. I’ve assumed that there’s no conflict here, but I don’t know if these two hooks collide. It seems to work ok.
Plugin Name: BuddyPress Lockdown
Plugin URI:
Description: Lock down your BuddyPress site if a user is not logged in.
Author: Andy Peatling & Andrew_S1
Version: 1.2
Author URI:
Site Wide Only: true
function bp_lockdown() {
global $bp;
if ( BP_REGISTER_SLUG != $bp->current_component &&
BP_LOGIN_SLUG != $bp->current_component &&
BP_LOGIN1_SLUG != $bp->current_component &&
!is_user_logged_in() ) {
bp_core_redirect( site_url( BP_LOGIN_SLUG ) );
function wp_lockdown() {
if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) {
auth_redirect( 'wp-login.php' );
add_action( 'bp_init', 'bp_lockdown');
// if no buddypress, have a backup plan
add_action( 'send_headers', 'wp_lockdown');
?>Note that using this method, if buddypress became deactivated, all of your site’s posts, and the comments, would become completely visible.
I’ve submitted a ticket for the issue of wp-login not being registered as a root_component:
There’s a patch attached to that ticket, to make the necessary changes to bp-core.php
And here’s my revision of the lockout plugin:
Plugin Name: BuddyPress Lockdown
Plugin URI:
Description: Lock down your BuddyPress site if a user is not logged in.
Author: Andy Peatling & Andrew_S1
Version: 1.1
Author URI:
Site Wide Only: true
function bp_lockdown() {
global $bp;
if ( BP_REGISTER_SLUG != $bp->current_component &&
BP_LOGIN_SLUG != $bp->current_component &&
BP_LOGIN1_SLUG != $bp->current_component &&
!is_user_logged_in() ) {
bp_core_redirect( site_url( BP_LOGIN_SLUG ) );
add_action( 'bp_init', 'bp_lockdown');
?>yes, it’s patchy with that. If the link is directly to /register/, then it works fine. But if it’s to wp-login.php?action=register, then it gets stuck in the wp-login loop.
And $is_root_component is empty because wp-login does not appear in $bp->root_components when evaluated at line 129 of bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php
And $component_index=1 because VHOST==
‘no’ and $is_root_component is empty at line 131 of bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php
Well, yes, that would prevent the loop: the loop happens on wp-login.php, but not on /register/
Enabling registration doesn’t affect the problem. The problem’s cause is that in bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php , function bp_core_set_uri_globals , when viewing wp-login.php, $component_index = 1 , but $bp_uri =array([0] => ‘wp-login’)
When viewing wp-login.php, then:
at line 178 of bp-core.php, both $bp->current_component and $bp->displayed_user->id are empty
at line 138 of bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php, $bp_uri =array([0] => ‘wp-login.php’), but $component_index = 1
So there’s the problem – when viewing wp-login.php, $bp_uri has value ‘wp-login.php’ at key 0, but $component_index is 1, so $current_component is set to an empty string
[EDIT – value is ‘wp-login’ not ‘wp-login.php’ – sorry. EDIT again – bah – wp-login.php it can be – it’s whatever the user enters in the URL. wp-login.php and wp-login both worth, and each gets carried through as is]