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  • @angslycke


    @RussAdams What theme are you using? I haven’t figured out a solution to this problem yet so I had to turn off new member registration and created a Gravity Forms form for new users instead. Will have to manually register each user but my community is rather small so that shouldn’t be a huge problem. Will continue to search for a solution though.



    @danbp True indeed, but with my previous setup with BuddyPress 1.9.2 I was able to control the spam registrations since they were never activated (I used BuddyPress Pending Activations to manually activate new users) and therefore they could never log in. They were not seen in the activity stream either.

    This is my setup:

    I’ve now upgraded s2Member which had no effect, and also deactivated the BuddyPress Automatic Friends plugin which didn’t have any effect either. The new user shows up as pending in the Users screen for about 1 minute after registration, but is then automatically activated.




    I recently upgraded my site with a new theme (BuddyBoss Boss. theme) and am running WP 4.1.1 and upgraded from BuddyPress 1.9.2 to 2.2.1.

    I have a setup where I redirect the activation e-mail to the site admin to be able to manually control new members and verify their information before activating them and letting them log in. This is a cruical function for my site since it’s a private network.

    After the upgrade I noticed that some spam users were automatically activated and able to log in without my manual activation. The users are automatically activated, the same issue as @RussAdams is experiencing. I’ve tried deactivating a few plugins (BuddyPress Pending Activations, BuddyPress Auto Group Join) but this issue persists. In BuddyPress 1.9.2, everything was working as expected.

    Browser sessions doesn’t seem to be the issue since clearly people on other computers have been able to create accounts which were automatically activated as well.

    This is a very serious issue for my site since I no longer have the control over new users and spam users can log in after activating. Did you get this sorted out?




    Are you using the short codes for bbPress to insert the forms to write a new topic? I noticed recently that my forums page didn’t let non-admins post a new topic (I was using the short code

    You must be logged in to create new topics.

    ) but gave them the message “You can’t post new topics”.

    The issue was that my permalink was forum and the page with the shortcodes had the same URL. It seems to be a conflict between the short codes and that setting. I’ve written my solution in the bbPress trac, don’t have the URL here unfortunately.



    I’ve upgraded to BuddyPress 1.7.2 in my staging area and the update went smooth. Most functions seem to work fine. However, when I tried registering a new user the above filter didn’t work. BuddyPress sent the standard activation e-mail to the new user’s e-mail instead of the admin e-mail (please read the first post in this thread to review the new member process I have).

    The function bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_to is in bp-members/bp-members-functions.php on line 1361 and I’ve verified that it’s unchanged since BuddyPress 1.6.4 which is what I’m running now. Does anyone know if there’s been any other change affecting this? Thanks!



    After hours of frustration I realised that I was trying to change the wrong filter. The filter should be ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_to’. Now works. Here’s the code:

    function redirect_new_user_activation_email()
    // Make sure to use a valid email. Test it with different addresses.
    return get_site_option( ‘admin_email’, ‘’ );

    add_filter( ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_to’, ‘redirect_new_user_activation_email’);

    The second e-mail address is a fallback address in case the admin_email isn’t specified. Let me know if this works for you!



    @modemlooper Revisiting this thread. I’m still looking to change the activation e-mail to go to the site admin instead, and even though this should be fairly easy I must be missing something. The code should be something like this, right?

    function my_redirect_activation_email()
    return get_site_option( ‘admin_email’ );
    add_filter(‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to’, ‘my_redirect_activation_email’);

    Added this to my custom-functions.php but can’t seem to get it to work, WordPress stills sends the e-mail with the activation link to the new user instead. Any ideas? Thanks!



    @g1r2e3g Did you ever solve this? Can’t get bp_member_profile_data to work in the groups members list either. Strange since it works fine in the members_loop as you said.



    No, but you could check this out:



    Have you checked out BuddyPress Courseware? Should be what you’re looking for I think.



    @r-a-y: Thanks for the help with this! I haven’t found a plugin which searches through inactive members and creates an activity for them. One thing to note about the above code is that the user will show up as most recent active user in widgets such as the Members widget and in the Members directory so you might want to change the date to a few days/weeks back to prevent that.



    @djpaul: Yes, but I want to redirect the “activate your account” e-mails to the site admin instead of the user to let the admin know that a new user has registred. I’m trying to figure out the best way to do this. Obviously I don’t want to edit core files, so best practice should be to use a filter to replace the users e-mail address with the site admin e-mail address I guess?

    I found an old post regarding this here (from 2010):

    They’re editing core files there (bad!), but I found this in the comments as a function to achieve the above:
    function filter_replace_with_moderator_email($user_email) {
    return get_site_option( “admin_email” );
    add_filter(‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to’, ‘filter_replace_with_moderator_email’);

    I added this to my themes custom functions.php-file but the e-mail is still sent to the user instead of the admin. Is there a change in BP 1.5 so that I need to change the hook in the filter? Does anyone know?



    For anyone looking for the working code to create the shortcode [member_count] which can be inserted anywhere in pages or posts, here it is:

    `function show_number_of_members() {

    $count = bp_get_total_site_member_count();
    return $count;

    function register_shortcodes() {
    add_shortcode(‘member_count’, ‘show_number_of_members’);

    add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_shortcodes’);`

    Insert the above code in your functions.php or custom functions.php-file in your WordPress theme.



    megainfo: Thank you so much! I didn’t realise that bp_total_member_count() use echo to print the number, I thought that I could change that by using return in my code. The shortcode works now, excellent!



    megainfo: Thanks for the tip, but the problem isn’t that I’m not getting the number of members to display but rather that the number is displayed at the top of the page and not where I put the shortcode in the page contents.



    @r-a-y Thank you so much! That will be really useful to know when trying to modify things further.



    Codestyling is a great plugin and works with BuddyPress. You do need to translate all instances of the word group since it appears on several places in different .php files in the code.





    I solved this by editing the database information in the bb-config.php which is located in your WordPress root folder. The web host had used a script to edit the database information automatically in wp-config.php but the old database details remained in bb-config.php. Now all of my old forum posts are visible again.



    I’m also looking for a solution to this problem, which seems to involve a lot of different plugins and tweaking as you said. Haven’t heard anything about this being a part of BuddyPress core anytime in the near future unforunately. It should probably be a part of WordPress core in that case since BP uses WP:s user functions.




    Is this solution still working in BuddyPress 1.5 and above? Would like to make the timestamps cleaner by removing minutes when 1 hour has passed and removing hours when 24 hors have passed. Thanks!



    Wow, impressive site! Nice to see another great BuddyPress site online!



    Hi Paolo!

    Do check out the WordPress plugin S2Member which is a powerful membership plugin that supports PayPal.



    I have the exact same problem, rather annoying to keep checking this since it reverts every time a user changes their profile info in the front end (BuddyPress profile page). Did you manage to solve it by altering W3 Total Cache as you mentioned? I don’t even have W3 Total Cache active or even installed and still have the same issue. Have no idea how to solve this, thought that it was a bug in BuddyPress.



    I managed to solve my problem by:

    1. Unchecking the forums component in the BuddyPress Component settings page.
    2. Renaming bb-config.php in your WordPress installation root directory to something else (making BuddyPress believe that bbPress is not installed).
    3. Re-checking the forums component in the BuddyPress Component settings page.
    4. Re-installing the group forum component in the BuddyPress Settings “Forum” tab.

    Hope this can help someone else as well, was really frustrating not being able to post anything.

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