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Forum Replies Created

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  • @avaiya


    ok thanks!



    Ok, thanks. Do you know of any plugin that does already have that feature? A shortcode for the “What’s New, Member?” field where people can post an update?



    Hey @vapvarun. Thanks for your help. I don’t think this is the issue. It is not specific BuddyPress pages, it is anything, any feature, any shortcode, any widget associated with BuddyPress that people cannot see.

    For example, if I login to the Get Started Page, there is a widget on the right with the BuddyPress shortcode, [bp_profile_gravatar dimension=125], and it doesn’t show up. There is also a Navigation bar at the top called “Profile” which links to the BP Profile page, and it doesn’t show up either.

    But if I then click on ANY link on that Get Started Page, all of a sudden the missing BuddyPress features appear on the page. So they only disappear when someone initially logs in.



    @Venutius: I’d really like to be able to, on the top of all my membership pages, have the “What’s New, Member?” field where people can post an update.

    does your plugin have a shortcode for that?



    Thank you!



    Thanks @venutius. I will run it by my web guy and see what he thinks 🙂



    Thank you. Is this a different plugin that this one?

    BuddyPress Profile Shortcodes

    I currently have this plugin.



    Thank you @venutius! I will pass this along to my web guy and we’ll implement it. Much appreciated.

    quick question:

    If we do the option to overload the activity loop will it be possible to have:

    -An activity feed showing activity from all members on our Home Page
    -On a members personal profile page, it just shows their personal activity stream?



    It helped a little bit to up our server, so it goes a bit faster now.
    But the members still cannot see the progress bar at work after they upload
    a picture. It takes 10-15 seconds before it loads and they just have to wait
    so it’s pretty confusing.



    I’m having issues with the upload photo and cover photo section as well.

    Sometimes it works for members, other times it doesn’t. It seems like
    hit or miss.

    Did you ever get this figured out @kowshikwp?



    Ok. Thanks. I’ve turned the html option off on the forums so it will no longer
    cause issues. Thanks.



    Hey there. Here’s what is happening. When a member posts in the bbPress forum, and uses the BOLD application, or let’s say, creates a bullet list from the menu, it shows up like this in the bbPress forum itself.

    pril 3, 2018 at 9:52 am
    Edit | Reply


    <p style=”background-color: transparent; color: #333333; font-family: Georgia," times new roman","bitstream charter",times,serif; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 24px; max-width: none; min-height: 0px; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; word-wrap: break-word; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;”>Hi everyone. What kind of <em style=”background-color: transparent; color: #333333; font-family: Georgia,

    Also, when I click “notify me of follow up replies via email” the email I receive looks like this as well.

    I get this is a bbPress issue. I’ve messaged them as well.



    Thank you! No wonder I couldn’t find it in the BP settings (-; Much appreciated.



    Thank you so much! That work! (-:






    Anyone have any input on this? (-:



    Yes! This works. You’re right. Thank you so much, that was very helpful 🙂



    I didn’t see anything on this page about the unsubscribe link. Do you have any thoughts on that?

    Here’s the issue I’m having:

    Something is not working in the “unsubscribe” link in these notification emails. When I click to unsubscribe, it takes me to my Profile page and this error message shows up:

    “Something has gone wrong. Please go to your notifications settings to unsubscribe from emails.”

    And clicking on “Notifications” on the BuddyPress profile page doesn’t take me to the place where I can edit my email notifications. It just takes me to the overall Notifications menu.





    Awesome thank you both!



    Thank you @gunu! I didn’t realize that. Now it seems very obvious (-:



    Hey Peter, thanks for your help. Another question.

    I notice in using BuddyPress, a page gets created that shows all the Members of our site.


    Not just our membership members, but our wordpress members as well.

    Is there any problem if I just delete this page so no one can see it?



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