Forum Replies Created
@Bowromir Hello Bowe, tried to reach you on BP-Tricks, but thought I’d try you here.
Or if anyone has any hints on how to make this possible please let me know…
We started working with External Member Blogs, and now looking to extend it in a good way.
I was wondering if we can associate feeds with a certain group or category – kind of how Digg member feeds work (they require you to choose a category). We would like members to choose a group or category where all feeds would post in. Please let me know if this is possible, something you may consider working on, or some hints on how we could work on it from here.
Thanks for your good assist with this.
Also, if anyone is up for working on some other savvy feed ideas
please contact me and let me know the best way to keep in touch.– Jeff –
@edelwater Please let me know what is the progress of this particular function.
I have a good use case scenario for this functionality,
and it would be good to catch up on some collaboration.Please send me a message through here or at:
Look forward to catching on what we could do with this.
– Jeff –
Seems to still be in progress…
AH! @MariusOoms the Work Around for Sub Domains Worked!
Looking forward to the Latest Info, Permanent Resolutions, and Developments.
~ Cheers ~
– Jeff –
@nonegiven did you ever resolve your group-blog issue?
I had the same warning messages after installing some other plugins that were not WPmu compatible.
After Deleting these erroneous plugins, we were able to delete the warning messages at least.However @MariusOoms we are still having issues with group blog creation that you may be able to assist with.
We installed Only the latest Buddypress and Groupblog Plugins in a test site.
We are able to create Groups just fine,
but are still getting this error in the Group Blog Tab…Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in E:TESTSITEwp-includeswp-db.php on line 488
Any ideas on what we may have overlooked or what we should look into and address to resolve this error.
Please let me know.
Your good assistance is greatly appreciated.
– Jeff –
Hey, yea, that may be why users started getting warning messages about the includes.
I’m running WPmu 2.9.3.I noticed the WP Discussion Bans don’t work for BP sign ups.
That’s why I tested out Ban Hammer and WP-Ban.But after the Warning messages, I ended up deleting both of the Ban plugins.
Okay, so now how do I clear up my includes so I can clear up the warning / error messages?
Please let me know about that. That would be much appreciated.
And any advice on how best to moderate BP is appreciated.
@kylecasey Boone’s idea is the best way I can see so far.
As far as I can see, the idea mentioned earlier would require different blogs on sub domains
with different installs of BP. But it would require more testing.
I’ve been getting requests for custom networks since last fall
so I may have to get into that testing soon.
If anyone has tried the multiple BPs,
please let us know your take.
– Jeff –
really, what’s combination man?
what versions of BP & External Blogs Plugin are you using?
Please let me know.
BuddyPress Admin Notifications Plug-In.
I was thinking along the same lines.
do you know if this works, and if they get their own members
or using the same database of members.
I would like to experiment with this
and figure out how to really make it work.
If anyone has info or ideas please drop me a line.
you would just use the social features (the blog just comes with it) ; )
WPmu is really just one install with multiple blogs
but soon with WP 3.0 you’ll be able to do the same thing with one WordPress install.
– Avatar –
@Modemlooper, is there anything we can do to fix the plugin by modifying the code?
Perhaps not bringing in older posts.
Or not updating every 30mins when someone visits the group page.
Please let me know if we can cut out or fix some code.
– Jeff –
I’m on 1.2.3 and getting duplicates in the group activities.
+ dupes through the group-notifications plugin.
Should I be doing something differently
or is there a good solution?
I’d really like to use these plugins.
Please let me know.
– Jeff –
Hey mates, I’ve been trying to work this out as well.
Been trying Andy’s External Blogs RSS and Group Twitter Plugins
with WPmu 2.9.2
They work well within the Groups,
But they seem to have this feature of updating the Group Activity Feed every time a user visits the group.
So I get double / multiple posts.
+ with the Group Notifications Plugin, I get multiple emails
every time someone visits the group and refreshes the feed.
Any Ideas how I could at least shut off the refresh every time someone visits the group.
If this is manageable, they’re both great and very useful plugins.
Please let me know your thoughts and solutions.
– Jeff –
Yes, yes. Federation Style.
OpenSSO integrated with WP seems to be a good start.
Do you know if that is working with BP as well?
Also BP-FB Connect and WP-FB-AutoConnect
could possibly be extended to BP-Connecting.
But the plugin I was thinking of, I can’t seem to find anymore.
It was meant for a dual sign on to BP + other platforms.
Anyone know it’s whereabouts?
I’m up for a federation.
Any ideas and collabs on this are welcome.
– Jeff –
We are also thinking along the same lines.
There was a good discussion on this a while ago from Burt Adsit.
But I can’t seem to find it anymore.
Now there is discussion on duplicating group functions…
Please let me know of any developments along these lines.
– Jeff –
I was thinking about this as well.
It would be good to look into the possibilities more.
Do you have links for what you had so far?
I was thinking if anything it may work with the dual sign on plugin.
Let me know your discoveries, perhaps we can collaborate to see if we can make this happen.
– Jeff –
@peteranselmo Sounds like a great idea.
Anyone up for collaborating : )
Please let me know.
– Jeff –
Hello, Thanks for your good replies.
The Mobile application is exactly where I’m going with this.
Just an easier way to post to a Group page.
@Bowe Diggin’ the Twitter Integration idea.
We had some good success with Twitter posts from a festival last year. – and would like to continue this trend.
@Xevo Basically it would just be a post in the group as normal posts in groups.
and by default this doesn’t notify all members if I’m correct.
@etiviti Let’s see if we can collaborate and continue.
– Jeff –
KudOs Mariusooms !
Looking forward to the latest group blog.
We still have to upgrade to 1.2
and this is a major thing we were holding out for.
As the kids say ‘Mad Props’
– Avatar –
You have been reading my mind : )
We started by using P2 as our Styled Group Blogs
then Group-Blog came along and blended quite nicely with BP.
And I was just trying to figure out how we could possibly
merge P2 front end with the BP-GroupBlog theme
with different styles for different groups to boot.
@ Mariusooms I am definitely looking forward to the 1.2 release
please keep us posted.
@ Peterverkooijen do you have a working version of your modified blog theme available somehow?
Please let me know… I am quite interested.
– Jeff –
Hello Mates,
@ zageek, this is exactly the idea I had when I first encountered BuddyPress.
We are still trying to figure out how to set up this kind of network
as well as social site integrations.
I think it’s even more pertinent with the advent of single WP BPs.
Please let me know of the latest developments
and perhaps we could work out a collab.
Please feel free to PM me as well.
– Jeff –
Hey just saw this posted.
Any word on mobile themes or solutions for Buddypress?
– Jeff –
Hello Mates,
Thanks a lot for your good responses.
We’ve been busily underway building up our site.
Moved our essential core mods into custom.php
and now just waiting for the 1.1 upgrade : )
Look forward to the next evolutions.
– Jeff –
Noticed the options for logging into BP.
But wondering which options / plugins can also pull info from those sites
and share info from BP / Blogs to those sites?
Please let me know if Gigya could work like that
or if you know some other options (aside from share buttons)
to sign in and cross-communicate with social networks.
Look forward to your good responses.
– Jeff –
Hey r-a-y,
thanks for your response.
yeah, working with a dev team.
just want to make sure we do things right from the get-go
and keep track of any changes.
the wp-custom solution might just be what we need.
so will mods work through this file just as well as plugins
or are there some mods that will just require hacking the core?
please let me know your experience.
– Jeff –