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  • @billzy


    Hi @suysal @mileskimberley & @macpresss

    We have accomplished a similar task, and what a pain in the ass of a task it was…. We made it so that it’s not possible to see all members posts, you must first be friends with them. We also made ours so that you would only see the feed of groups if you joined the group as well, just like fb and all other mainstream networks, it just makes sense to do it this way, more personalised feed, less junk. Its a detailed code of a few hundred lines that we include in our functions.php file.

    We paid for the solution to be custom developed via external teams because it was slightly outside of our inhouse development skillset… If you want to chip in for the code I am more than happy to send it to you. If I coded this myself and it costed me nothing to create I would just paste the code here but it’s not the case in this scenario.

    Alternatively (and our preferred option), if Buddypress core developers want to build it into BP and create a setting for it in the core plugin backend to allow this option then I am happy to send it to them for free so that we don’t need to support this custom piece of code through the upgrades (which we have been supporting this custom code for a year now). I know this setting/option is not for everyone using BP but there are many out there who would love this feature included and it could be as simple as a checkbox in the backend saying should users only see friends activity, maybe a second one as well should users only see groups activity they have previously joined. We haven’t built such a setting because we use this by default.

    Anyways feel free to drop me a line here or at




    I’ll also add something here, as well as the display:none as above. Yes that works but it also shows it in the code, since the new templates work differently in BP 1.7+, to really nail this out, you can also make a quick change to your language file using poedit.

    Find active %s and replace with   Also do the CSS fix and then it’s gone from both code and spacing 🙂



    Thanks heaps that worked a treat, much appreciated 😀



    Ok I’ve found a working solution using WP 3.5, bp 1.6.2 and bp-moderation 0.1.6 … I have my flagging and unflagging with backend reports working perfect now.

    Here is how I did it so you can fix yours:

    Step 1.
    Follow these steps to update some plugin code since the plugin is now unsupported.

    Step 2.
    Step 1 only allowed me to flag and unflag content with the super admin account only. If you have the same problem then open bpModLoader.php and comment the lines 64-66.

    Change to following or delete to fix all users can flag posts.

    // if (!is_super_admin()) {
    // return;
    // }

    Hope this helps 😀




    Agree’d this is must needed feature to reduce cyber bullying risks of hosting sites like these. Im going to look into finding a solution, the only other option is I have a guy who can fix this for 200-300 usd maybe less…



    I took a different approach to this that worked… I was looking to hide content from people who are not friends… In any pages that friends are not connected I did this..

    ?php if ( bp_is_friend() != ‘is_friend’ ) {
    if (bp_current_user_id() != bp_loggedin_user_id()):
    locate_template( array( ‘members/single/not-friends.php’), true )
    php if (bp_current_user_id() == bp_loggedin_user_id() || ( bp_is_friend() == ‘is_friend’ ) ): ?>
    // add page content for friends
    ?php endif; ?>

    for groups you can do the similar with bp_group_is_member()

    naturally you would need to create;

    but this way you take away the permissions settings from your users and control them yourself with your theme…. With a little bit of configuring you can do the same with users who are not logged in.

    Hope this helps…




    If its some fixes in the template files that could be possible… We have a very custom theme… Any idea which template files would be the best to start with?




    hmmm .. yes I figured there was a chance it wouldnt be so easy. never thought of doing it via the group meta before… Im wondering if there is an easier fix?

    What about something like if (bp_group_is_member()) … If I included that in the activity loop somewhere could that work? When I tested that tag out it works to filter out public group content if not joined.

    The next thing is I have looked into using this via 1 of 2 ways; either a snippet that to checks if a activity post is related to a group and edit the activity/entry.php

    or the other option Ive been looking into is changing the core file bp-group/bp-group-activity.php on the line

    // If the group is not public, hide the activity sitewide.
    if ( isset( $bp->groups->current_group->status ) && ‘public’ == $bp->groups->current_group->status )
    $hide_sitewide = false;
    $hide_sitewide = true;

    I assume I could somehow use the bp_group_is_member () function in there somewhere but not sure where?

    Any further thoughts on this would be appreciated?

    Thanks in advance



    Hey Paul,

    Thank you very much for your prompt reply, that snippet worked a treat … =)



    Just to update this to close all issues of this topics as I left with a question how to hide items based on navigation in profiles.

    So after applying the above solution into your links, then to section off other profile pages ie. I am on my profile page so i can see settings & messages tabs.. but on a friends page those boxes are hidden.

    To do this;

    ? php if (bp_current_user_id() == bp_loggedin_user_id()): ?
    Add content here that you only want to see in your personal
    ? php endif ?

    All this is asking is if the current profile page user ID # (for the table row) is equal to the logged in user (You) ID#…. That returns True or False… If the answer is True then move forward. .

    If your looking to reverse this idea and show something only on others profile pages simply add one ! …. !bp_current_user_id() that will reverse the effect.

    There …That took me ages but it will save anyone looking to become creative with their profile menu….

    Lastly, I will not be answering any questions about how to implement this, its a basic copy paste job now if you cant do that then perhaps look at other less flexible options.

    Hope this all helps…



    Custom Profile Fields Buddy press plugins… there is a also a few permission plugins in there also… i found them months and months back still work…

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