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  • @blastblast



    Would you mind sharing what you did or what plugins you use to “almost completely stop spam signups”?



    I suggest having a look at s2member plugin. It allows for member registration and I believe have an option where you can restrict the content of certain pages to members.





    What anti-spam plugins are you running and how many spam registration do you average per day?

    I’m currently running akismet, pixel jar honeypot, si captcha, and stop spammer by keith graham and I get 3-5 spam registration per day.

    Has anyone tried Bad Behavior? How does that work for spam registration?



    There seems to be multiple wordpress honeypot.

    Would you recommend this one? Though it has not been updated in years..




    hey @henrywright,

    Why do you suggest the footer as opposed to the header? What is the difference?

    I also have the footer.php in my child theme folder. I removed the “Powered by WordPress” footer so currently there is no text as my footer if that makes a difference at all.




    Okay thank you- so what I should do is create a blank functions.php, paste the email code in it, and simply upload that to my child’s theme?





    I am running a child theme of the bp-default…

    Should I add this code directly to my theme’s “functions.php”
    Should I create a file named “function.php” , add the email code there and then add it to my child theme’s folder?

    Also, at the bottom of the page here:

    It states
    “(4) functions.php
    There is one exception to the template override rule — functions.php.
    If you create a blank functions.php file in your child theme, the parent theme (or in our case, the BuddyPress Default theme) functions.php will still be loaded.
    This will allow you to inherit existing functions from BuddyPress Default, but you can also add your own customized code in here as well!
    You must make sure you give your child theme functions a unique name, otherwise they will clash with the parent.”

    So, if I were to add the email code to my child theme – I should name it such as functions1.php?




    hi @barney92

    I am using s2member and the designated register page is

    I actually like the “membership-signup” part as it is- but do you think it is contributing to the spam?

    Are there some recommended keyword alternative that does not attract spam



    Thanks for addressing our/my concerns.

    Another issue, I am running BP 1.9 and having the notification tab mess up the page when it is clicked on. As users suggested, I have tried adding

    elseif ( bp_is_user_notifications() ) :
    bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/notifications’ );

    to my themes’s /members/single/home.php file.

    However, the problem still persist.

    I’ve read that updating to BP 1.9.1 will fix this problem. My question is – if I update to 1.9.1, will anything else change such as the bp-default theme or my current layout?



    Thanks for joining in the conversation.

    Though I’m still pretty confused with the semantics used —

    That it is not being abandoned and will live on as a “legacy theme” BUT at the same time, when I search for buddypress theme – it is is not showing up as a download option…

    I mean, take for example – I am currently running the “bp-default,” if I were to experiment with a new theme “Theme-X” – would I have any way to revert back to “bp-default” with a simple activation?

    Not providing further update for bp-default is one thing, but Why not leave “bp-default” in the theme repository with that note that it is no longer being update?
    To provide another option, if nothing else.



    Pretty gutted by this decision to not support bp-default as it seems to support bbpress and for my site personally, like the emphasis on forums, members activity stream.
    Looking through the handful of buddypress/bbpress focused theme, there doesnt seem to be one thats quite barebones-functional like the Bp-default. Blog-post on the left-center and members/log-in widgets on the right.

    Does buddypress have any plans to release a new “bp-default”?




    hi all

    The BP-Default theme is critical to my site. I am running wordpress and bbpress along with buddypress 1.9

    A couple questions:

    1- Does this mean if I update to buddypress 1.9.1, my bp-default theme will disappear?

    2- Regarding the solution you posted, of adding the code, what exactly does that do? Does it activate the BP-Default theme should you install BP 1.9 or latter?

    3- Will/Is my current installed BP-Default theme in risk of not working in the future?





    So I’ve created the back-up sql files of my wordpress site with my host.

    I am not as well versed with computers/site development as I wish I was- Can you tell me what it means to create/install a dev site?




    @mercime thank you I found that exact article a bit after I posted.

    a quick question regarding updates- do I have to install the updates?
    will it mess up my contents and plugins?




    Hi, so because of my lack of experiences with code and BP, the Codex instructions seems quite complicated. Are there any other ways I can move the content from one domain to another?

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