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  • @blg002


    Yeah i figured as much. This forum is usually just so much more responsive 🙂



    If anyone cares, the proper solution is just to copy loop-single-topic.php into your themes dir and edit till your hearts content. The only semi-tricky thing is that it must be in a /bbpress/ dir within your theme. For example:




    im just going to bump this up to see if i can get anything



    I am also curious if there is an answer to this.



    Thanks @shanebp. Looks like meta_key LIKE notification.* returns an empty result set which i do believe means they are all set to the default of YES.



    @mercime Yeah I’m aware of that was just hoping for a slightly easier solution with an auto-embed. Thanks for all your help though.



    @mercime yeah, I’ve had that checked but it doesn’t seem to work with regular old image urls (.jpg|.png|.gif). For example…

    This should show an image:

    This forum might not have that option turned on, but it does the same thing in mine with that option checked. Maybe that’s a bug but I’m not finding good documentation on what exactly is supported.



    Thanks @mercime

    So this looks like it will allow users to click a button to upload and attach images? That might be a nice addition, but I don’t think it answers the question I asked. I want users just to be able to paste an image URL in and have that be embedded (like they can do with a YouTube video). Maybe thats just not possible right now and this is the closest solution.



    Bueller, Bueller?



    Figured it out. It was the ‘New User Approve’ plugin. This thread has a fix.



    going to bump this up to see if i can get a response.



    @themightymo Thanks, do you have nay idea where I would use this, i.e. what code to change?



    I too am having this issue with topic notification email…

    What’s your biggest challenge?


    What&#039 ;s your biggest challenge?

    I mostly see this in the subject line, but sometimes in the body, and not just with an apostrophe but double-quotes, etc.



    nevermind, figured it out. There’s was a 301 set up causing issues.





    Thanks. I am using the “BuddyPress Default” theme and tested with all plugins activated to no avail.

    I’m wondering if it’s because we have this self hosted with nginx instead of apache (so the default .htaccess is being ignored). I’m not sure how the forum redirect works though so it’s hard for me to trouble shoot






    Note: this is only when replying, after creating a topic you are properly dumped on the topic view page.



    … or could tell me where to look to troubleshoot.



    Nevermind, forgot to restart PHP server after installing GD



    So this was dumb. The issues was because of a trailing slash after `activate`


    Seems that WP assumes apache and creates .htaccess that our nginx ingnores.

    Thanks for your help @davidtcarson



    When you click the activation link in the sent email you get the /activate page (URL defined in Settings > BuddyPress > Pages) that looks like this:



    “But you didn’t mention whether anything is shown on screen when the activation link is clicked.”
    – Sorry I wasn’t clear, answered that first part with the first “sentence”: No.

    – I’ll look for the logs. This is something we are self hosting, and I’d imagine our NetAdmin looked over all that first (but you never know).

    “It’s always easiest to troubleshoot core functionality before you start adding plugins or customizing anything”
    – Agreed. But, I’ve barely done any customization (just installed three days ago) so I figured this was pretty close to a clean install.



    Is there any message shown on screen or in error logs when you attempt to activate?
    No. Haven’t looked, where can I find the error logs?

    Were you ever able to activate a user on your install before now?
    No. This is a brand new install, and these are the results from the first time testing.

    Are you using the bp-default theme?
    Yes. Theme: BuddyPress Default



    Actually I even went ahead and deactivated bbpress, and still no luck. If i deactivate BuddyPress, the registration is not even applicable



    Sorry, that may have been misleading. I disabled all of them except the bbPress and BuddyPress plugins, which are necessary to have most of the site itself work.

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