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  • @bnt76


    Fantastic work, beautiful template by the way, as I do not want to sign up to your site (because I dont want to waste a user space) do you have pictures of when your logged in etc.

    What template did you use etc, was it easy? I only ask as I believe members of BP would love to know!!

    great work by the way!



    @snark the T function syntax error is commonly associated with versions of PHP are you running PHP4 on your hosting by any chance?

    If so swap it out for PHP 5.



    Awesome, awesome, awesome.

    Is there anyway we can add or other url shortner when users want to add there proffile suffix to a an activity posting?



    Just a quick one thought I would point out to, I have managed to integrate sexy bookmarks into the actual link see here:

    How did I do it?

    Basically opened up the following file


    In the link-header.php find:

    <div id=”item-meta”>

    <span class=”domain”><?php bp_link_url_domain() ?> –</span>

    <?php bp_link_description() ?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_link_header_meta’ ) ?>


    and insert <?php if(function_exists(‘selfserv_sexy’)) { selfserv_sexy(); } ?> in between

    <?php bp_link_description() ?> and <?php do_action( ‘bp_link_header_meta’ ) ?>

    Thats it select the bookmark sites you want and ta da!

    my first contribution, I feel giddy.



    @Andrea_r it was globalpress bought it from themeforest pain in the bum to do.

    I basically follow the steps as in the Buddypress template pack, however I have had issues with matching up the div and content classes / containers.

    I know that once I have actually done it once, I will be able to do it again but its a nightmare, I think the theme is overly complicated.



    I actually found this quite difficult and still cannot convert a theme! Damn by technical capabilities.



    voted as well positive I might add!



    Looking forward to the update dude, sterling stuff as usual!



    Nice stuff dude,

    Liking it!



    @blackphantom Thanks for all the feedback! Its helping me a lot! –

    I think its us who should be thanking you blackphantom, great work on twitterstream. If it were not for people like you (those who give their time freely to develop and expand) none of us would be able to expand our sites and add functionality such as yours thus increasing our user base.



    Confirmed it works brilliantly thanks ever so much DJPaul!




    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and subsequent suggestions, please keep me informed about the pro version of this plugin as it is integral to the proposed idea of my site, I don’t want to say that my site will hinge on this plugin (however this would be a lie)

    It’s just that after seeing this plugin it has pushed me into a whole new direction and one that I thought would not be possible, so please consider me your first customer!

    Just sent you a friend request, damn I love BP, just wish I had the technical ability instead of the ideas!!!



    @geoffm33 good spot just copied my twitter stream into google chrome (where I am not signed into BP) and you can indeed alter the settings.

    Also @blackphantom when you click on twitterstream the sidebar is not called.



    @blackphantom just did some test posts direct from activity stream to twitter and actually on twitter itself, will post how long it takes and if there are any problems.



    @blackphantom Just installed will play with it. I understand the rate calls to twitter etc just for testing purposes to make sure everything is working as it should.



    Same problem here can we tinker with the time instead of one hour? Only in the beginning as a site grows then it should be changed to hourly, its just to test if it works properely



    This is without a doubt one of the best plugins I have ever seen.

    I have a couple of questions I have been playing with adding a (tweet this) to the link at the bottom where it says:

    ‘0 Comments (avatar image) admin created 5 seconds ago – (then here I would like to add a button for sharing)’

    Cant find the right section to allow this do you have any ideas?

    Another question as well is it possible to make the link section your home page, i.e. the first thing I want people to see is the link listing page, any ideas on how to do this?

    Some suggestions (you can tell me to take a running jump on these!)

    Is it possible to add a question in the link submission page (to prevent the inevitable spammers) like ‘whats 98 + 17 (enter in box) once they have given an answer the link is posted based on correct answer or wrong one throws up link could not be posted.

    The other idea is a bookmarklet code so people can post on there blogs etc, or some kind of iFramed box to show how many votes they have received on their blog once the it has been submitted.

    I know I may be reaching here but I just think this is a fantastice piece of code.

    Cheers dude, look forward to hearing from you.

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