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  • It may be that you don’t have mod_rewrite activated in httpd.conf. Make sure that the LoadModule statement for mod_rewrite is uncommented. (Remove # sign at beginning.) Also look for a statement <Directory /xxx> where /xxx is the directory containing the files for the web site. If you see AllowOverride None in that section, change it to…[Read more]

  • Bradley Ross's profile was updated 8 years ago

  • Bradley Ross replied to the topic Cannot Sign up in the forum Installing BuddyPress 8 years ago

    From my previous post, changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride FileInfo seems to have made the member, groups, and other pages operational.

    The following is a diff of the httpd.conf from the Yosemite version of macOS and my current version. Remember that there are three configuration files: httpd.conf, my.cnf,…[Read more]

  • Bradley Ross replied to the topic Cannot Sign up in the forum Installing BuddyPress 8 years ago

    I have .htaccess
    I have loaded the entire system three times and followed the directions
    I have made sure that all of the files have an owner of _www

    I have already screamed and will probably do so again. I am currently using

    Apple Macintosh macOS 10.12.3
    Wordpress 4.7.2
    Theme: TwentySeventeen
    bbPress 2.5.12
    BuddyPress 2.8.0
    Jetpack 4.6

    The…[Read more]

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