Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Field visibility option not worked in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 9 months ago
I think it figured something out. The difference between my local machine and the server is the php version. The server was on PHP 7.2 and local machine was on PHP 7.0.3. Upgrading my local machine to PHP 7.1.4 or PHP 7.2 breaks the ‘only me’ visibility.
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Field visibility option not worked in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 10 months ago
Yes. I have not added any additional roles or messed with capabilities. My repeated testing has been as a logged in subscriber.
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Field visibility option not worked in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 10 months ago
This is just crazy. I made an exact copy of my production site on my local machine and ‘only me’ visibility works as it should, fields are hidden to other subscribers. In production it does not, fields are visible to other subscribers. Only difference between the two site instances is the URL.
What could cause this?
On a separate issue, ‘Only…[Read more]
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Field visibility option not worked in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 10 months ago
The field is set to ‘only me’ and ‘enforce field visibility.’ I login as subscriber. The subscriber can’t see ‘only me’ fields from admin users, but they can see ‘only me’ field from other subscribers.
This seems to be a bug and I can’t figure it out. Assigning subscriber to an account that is already a subscriber seems to have no effect.
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Field visibility option not worked in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 10 months ago
Can you share the solution? I’m having the same problem!
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Bug: Membership List in Groups does not show in the forum Installing BuddyPress 6 years, 5 months ago
Thanks @r-a-y!
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Bug: Membership List in Groups does not show in the forum Installing BuddyPress 6 years, 5 months ago
Unfortunately no change in BuddyPress 3.2.0. Bug is still present.
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Bug: Membership List in Groups does not show in the forum Installing BuddyPress 6 years, 6 months ago
Cool. Your fix doesn’t work for me because it’s a default install on a non modified theme with no other plugins active besides BuddyPress.
Brian Cruikshank started the topic Bug: Membership List in Groups does not show in the forum Installing BuddyPress 6 years, 7 months ago
The Membership List in Groups does now show unless the Buddypress component ‘Activity Streams’ or ‘Notifications’ are active. If they are not active, it just displays “Requesting the group members. Please wait.”
Tested on:
WordPress 4.9.8
Twenty Seventeen 1.7
BuddyPress 3.1.0
Template Pack BuddyPress Nouveau
No other plugins active.
No errors in…[
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Create Cover Photos using the new BP_Attachment API in the forum Creating & Extending 9 years, 8 months ago
Thank you. I’ve tried examining the BuddyDrive implementation, but I am just lost and I don’t understand backbone at all.
I’ve also been patiently waiting and watching for any other use of the BP_Attachment API on Github, but unfortunately have found none.
It’s such a cool feature, but I fear too complex for me. Hope others take up the cause soon.
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Can't seem to get BP 2.2's Post Types Activities working in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 9 years, 8 months ago
Please let me know if you found a solution because I can’t get filtering to work in the front-end either. :/
bp_init also didn’t work for me. I had to hook into init.
Brian Cruikshank replied to the topic Create Cover Photos using the new BP_Attachment API in the forum Creating & Extending 9 years, 9 months ago
So I’ve taken a stab at it and gotten the tab to show in the correct place, but my Cover_Photo_Attachment attachment class still is not uploading images and I’m not sure why. Trying to follow the great work of @imath and the BP_Attachment documentation.
Also having trouble trying to get the Avatar UI to show for a nice upload experience. Is it…[Read more]
Brian Cruikshank started the topic Create Cover Photos using the new BP_Attachment API in the forum Creating & Extending 9 years, 9 months ago
How would I go about adding a new menu item next to “Change Profile Photo” called “Change Cover Photo” that would allow users to create to set a cover photo using the new BP_Attachment API? Ideally users could also crop the photo to a certain ratio like they do avatars.
Active 3 years, 9 months ago