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  • @calvinorenda


    May worth a try to check your header.php or other header files of your theme to see whether there are conditionals or conflicts.



    you can block google using robots.txt, you can read about that here



    you can make available certain contents for members only using one of the many wordpress membership plugins, just browse around to find one suitable for you.



    Not too sure what is going on cos I have never experience this in all my buddypress installation even with the one installed after i had 1000 members.

    But you may want to have a look at this previous topic, may help you



    Just a suggestion.

    Have you tried removing register.php (please save a copy before removing) file from your theme (so that it will revert back to the original register.php in buddypress? Or replace the file with the original register.php file from buddypress in your child theme?

    (register.php can be found in your theme buddypress/members folder)

    If it shows the regi form than you will need to recheck and recode the register.php file.

    The best solution may still be to contact your theme developer to check on this issue since you can confirm it is a theme issue.



    You can refer this sample
    Do a bit of customizing of the sample code and
    you can then get your intended page title and content and put it inside the title and content function in the sample code.



    After adding the fields you want using xprofile, go to your regi page. If you are using google chrome, right click on the multiline box and inspect

    you should find out the the id of the visual/text box something similar this ‘wp-field_664-editor-tools’ (yours should be a bit different cos field number is different)

    you should also find out the id of the mce panel using the same method

    After that you should be able to add the custom css to your theme stylesheet.
    Example (hiding the item using css):
    #wp-field_664-editor-tools {display:none;}

    You may need to double check on the edit profile page. if it still appears there, you can use the same method to hide it.
    Hope this helps.



    One way to do it is to hide it using custom css in your child theme/theme stylesheet.



    try googling you may be able to find a lot of answers…:)









    Currently rtmedia does not have this feature.

    You may need to code it yourself by customizing the rtmedia plugin.



    could not understand your question. where exactly do you plan to put this textarea in buddypress? in profile field, regi form, in a member page or where?



    It is still not working after changing to your code. Seems like it is unable to capture the value of $_POST[‘bpcat’] and update to the database.

    bpcat is still stored as NULL in the mysql database.
    I am using the latest buddypress and wordpress.

    again my full code




    Thank you so much!!! It worked now by separating the two things instead of jumbling everything together.



    I presume your theme may have settings on individual pages. Check whether your theme settings at members page is correct.



    Gave a brief look comparing the two pages you provided. This is my input:

    The problem lies with your header for the members page
    which data-menu-type is null
    Your main page data-menu-type=’simply’

    you need to set it to data-menu-type=’simply’ then you should have no issue.
    on how to do that I think you need to study how to set it back to simply on members page, should be more of a theme issue rather than buddypress i think.

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