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  • @chembro303


    @pgideonbolger — I ran into this as well. I was going around in circles trying to override the defaults selector by selector. To override the defaults en masse, you have to address the fact that BP 1.5 uses enqueue to load the styles. You’ll want to stop it from loading the default styles and instead copy/paste the styles you want to retain from default.css into your child theme’s styles.css.

    FYI, I got this info from – which is a helpful page – and am using it with success. But if you don’t want to search that page for the info, just grab the code below and add it to your child theme’s functions.php:
    if ( !function_exists( ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ ) ) :
    function bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles() {

    // You should bump this version when changes are made to bust cache
    $version = ‘20120625’;

    // Register stylesheet of child-theme
    wp_register_style( ‘child-theme’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, array(), $version );

    // Enqueue stylesheet of child-theme
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-theme’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );



    I can confirm that @benklocek‘s fix made the error go away for me, but I don’t think the plugin is working still. I’ll have to investigate further. At least no more fatal error!



    Chris – your latest update says compatible with standard wordpress but I have WordPress 2.9.2 and BP 1.2.3 and can’t find your plugin settings screen in my dashboard after activating. Can you tell me where to look?



    works like a charm now! Thanks guys!



    FYI, just updated and his Forum Attachments 0.2.1 does NOT fix the conflict between Forum Extras and it.



    Boone! Thanks so much. The 0.2.1 version seems to have the basics covered enough for me to be comfortable using it on a production site. A couple remaining things you might want to address:

    BTW WP 2.9.2 BP default theme

    If I “edit” an existing post in the forum it shows me the file uploading stuff, goes through the motions, but doesn’t actually upload anything. This is ok IMHO (not being able to add files to an existing post) but if that’s how things are meant to be maybe you could just not show the uploading buttons when the user is editing an existing instead of posting fresh? That way people aren’t confused. Especially since editing a post that already has an attachment only allows you to edit the text…the existing attachment doesn’t appear on the “edit” page.

    Also there is still some type of conflict for me with Rich Fuller’s Forum Extras plugin wrapper. Either works, but when both are active my main /groups/ redirects to the site’s home page. Also groups will only show the “forum” tab for that group – clicking the tabs for other areas in the group (such “members” etc) change the URL but the forum remains visible instead of the intended area.



    hey avi-m – do you have Rich Fuller’s Forum Extras plugin activated as well? I have the same issue but I think it’s a conflict between the two plugins…



    Boone – haha we were posting at the same time. I’ll see if there’s still a conflict after your latest version.



    Hey Boone – I noticed that there also seems to be a conflict between Forum Attachments and Rich’s Forum Extras.

    My /groups/ page redirects to the home page. Individual group pages, forums, etc. function…just the main group directory page redirects.

    No idea if it’s something he can/should fix, or you, or what. But thought I’d point it out. I don’t want to have to choose between the two plugins…but I think if I had to choose I’d go with Attachments once it’s working. :)



    OK, the “groups” main page redirect issue (at least for me…) seems to be a plugin conflict between the Forum Extras wrapper (version 0.1.5) and Boone Gorges’ Forum Attachments for BuddyPress (version 0.2). I know Boone is releasing a new version soon to address some other strange issues with Forum Attachments so I’ll wait and see if his update fixes the issue.



    Great guys, looking forward to the boingball-bbcode plugin.

    I just realized that I’m having the same problem as @stwc above. My “groups” redirects to the home page when the “required wrapper” is activated. Does so even if I deactivate all the included “forum extras” plugins and just leave the wrapper activated.

    WP 2.9.2 BP Forum Extras 0.1.5



    Haha no problem. You rock for all this work. Thanks for the help.



    Edited above: I originally thought it was deleting both file and post but it was correctly just deleting the file. Still loading the wrong page after delete though.



    New issue: I clicked the “x” to delete the uploaded file.

    It did delete the file from the server (I checked) BUT after that it loaded a white page at:

    {buddypress site} /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/topic.php?id=7#post-34

    instead of where I’m guessing it should have gone:

    {buddypress site} /groups/ {groupname} /forum/topic/topic.php?id=7#post-34



    running a phpinfo says Apache/2.2.14 …

    bluehost shared hosting…



    Any idea what is causing the fatal error?

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function apache_request_headers() in / {web root} / {buddypress directory} /wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/download.php on line 47



    Thanks boone…I figured that out as soon as I tried it. I’m a designer, what can I say. :)

    Unrelated to that issue, I was wondering why there seem to be so many duplicates in the “allowed file types” – bmp (500 KB), doc (500 KB), gif (500 KB), gz (500 KB), jpeg (500 KB), jpg (500 KB), pdf (500 KB),

    png (500 KB), txt (500 KB), xls (500 KB), zip (500 KB), gif (500 KB), jpeg (500 KB), jpg (500 KB), pdf (500 KB), png (500 KB), txt (500 KB), docx (500 KB), xlsx (500 KB), ppt (500 KB), pptx (500 KB)



    Edit: Uh, ok I’m stupid. Retract original question.

    I created this folder and tried again. Now it shows the file as an attachment. But, clicking the attachment goes to a white page with:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function apache_request_headers() in / {web root} / {buddypress directory} /wp-content/plugins/forum-attachments-for-buddypress/download.php on line 47

    I checked and the actual image was uploaded properly. It’s just viewing it that isn’t working. Wish it was inline too… oh well.



    WP 2.9.2, BP

    Installed and tested upload of a small JPEG… it just shows “failed” and a little x with the filename.

    I tried for a little while to troubleshoot but I’m not sure what should happen if it’s working so I’m not sure where to look… i.e. I am not sure what I should be looking for. Database entry? File uploaded to certain place on my server?



    @etiviti you rock. Thanks for your speedy replies.

    I’ve had your forum extras installed for a couple days and things were fine. I just tried to install a TinyMCE plugin – – which works great as well.

    Unfortunately with BP-TinyMCE activated the Quote function no longer loads any text in the comment box. It just changes to “quoted” but that’s all that seems to happen.

    Do you know what’s causing the conflict? Is it something you can change or is it a problem with BP-TinyMCE? I *need* a way for my users to format their topics so if it comes down to it I’ll just leave Quote deactivated…but it would be cool to have both. Perhaps if you get it working you can include BP-TinyMCE in forum extras?

    WP 2.9.2 BP



    dang that was quick. many many thanks! :)



    THANK YOU @ruthlessbookie. I just set up a fresh install of the latest WP single and BP on bluehost. Tried registering a new user – no activation email sent. Was about to throw something through a wall after spending 3 hours on this and at least it’s working now after using the “mail-from” plugin. Jeez. Shouldn’t have to do that, and I wish I understood the core issue… but thanks again.



    WordPress single install 2.9. whatever and buddypress

    I installed this plugin then deactivated buddypress – the plan was to do it just for a sec and then re-activate. But now my whole site is broken and wp-admin kicks this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_site_admin() in … /wp-content/plugins/buddypress-restrict-group-creation/bp-restrict-group-creation.php on line 286

    Please update your plugin so that if it is active and buddypress isn’t, it doesn’t torch the site.


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