Forum Replies Created
superb GUI if the the facebook gonna migrate to this one it wud be superhit in future.
guys please someone initiate this theme for buddypress. I would love to support project.
solution is turn off nested commenting and keep only one level commenting
!! i did it in one of my sites
it works for me when i type the url in address bar.
But when i type a wrong username password in my login form it takes me to same wp-login.php page which is we all don want.
Please provide any solution.
i am also trying it but its not redirecting to the custom page. Please tell me what could be the problem. I will manage the custom php form for login.
Please tell me guys.
awesommeee just found it too cool and exactly what i wanted hats off to Brajesh ji….
please help bump
it works on my hosting server was not working on my xamp on my local machine.
remove_filter( ‘bp_get_the_profile_field_value’, ‘xprofile_filter_link_profile_data’, 50, 2 );
This one worked for me thanks mate.
solved problem by hosting support. .htaccess had problem in it.
THak god i had backup of 3 days before so that i could restored my site. It was caused by some plugin. I have no idea why. If i got to know which one i will surely let you guys know about it.
such a old thread but no solution yet. I am facing same problem is there anyone who faced the same prob and found solution for it?
!!! anyone here …
Hi Rich,
I had some digging through cosde. And found in templatetags.php
‘$mini_activity_actions = apply_filters( ‘bp_activity_mini_activity_types’, array(
) );’which i wanted to filter out. Can you please tell me how do i can apply filters on these actions using functions file in my theme
i am sorry sir i dint saw the date of this post i thought its been such a long discussion so i thought i would get faster response over here. I will follow that in my new thread
Hello guys,
I think i have arrived at right thread to post my query at.I am looking to filter Group creation and member joining activity from Group activities.
I dont want to display “Member has joined this group” And “Member has created this group” in group activity stream.
Please tell me how to do it using custom-bp.php file or themes function.php file. I am ok with both the types.
Sam.hi Rich,
Thank you soo much for responding. Can you please tell me any link to thread where the filtering is explained?Regards,
Sam.hello sir,
Can you please guide me how to use this function to filter ‘user joined’ and ‘user created’ a group from groups activity.
Awaiting your response.
hello mercime, Thanks for your quick response. But that plugin wont provide moderation over group creation.
I remember there was a plugin to perform this action in old buddypress or was it core functionality. not able to find it in current Buddypress.
Please suggest if there is any other plugin or hack for this.
Sam.well another option you may have is “Sitewide tags” i have used it in one of my sites for pulling all blog posts in content area having global header,footer and sidebar.
Sam.Hi Roger,
Thanks for quick response as always
1. Well do they get a blog when they create a new account? If i have turned off site registration.
2. If not then how would they write their own blog posts?
The solution to this is “sitewide tags” as my best friend “Andrea” suggested. I can get all users posts in one blog. Keeping their individual blogs seperated.
The solution given by you is simple one. Can you please suggest me the complex way as well ?
Sam.Dear Jeff,
Many thanks for guiding me in the way.But i am lacking in buddypress with only 2 functions. Users and Group file uploads. And integrated forums.
If there exist these facilities i would not have switched to elgg at this moment as a big fan of wordpress and eventually buddypress as well.
Me too looking for same plugin if that would be available it would be great because of this facility i have turned to elgg from buddy press.
But i want to use buddypress from bottom of my heart as die hard fan of wordpress.
Please guys do something about it.
.Yesterday i was looking for some social networking opensource softwares and i came across.
ELGG community software. This software has all the requirements that are wanted in my website.But i dont know why i am still not thinking of switching to it.
Still want to use buddypress can you please suggest and help me through this problem.
I am not finding any solution for it guys please suggest some hack atleast so that i can give it a try.
Please man otherwise i have to think of some other system.
I really loved the way buddypress works and looks.
Please guys do something.
ohh it must be done at the first stage itself man
!!! There must be such a documentation for end user for more usage of the system.
Also is there any facility in for file attachment in the buddypress please tell me if there is any possibility or any hack possible.