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  • @codeispoetry


    Thanks, that helped!



    WP3.0, BP1.2.5, BP default theme BTW



    @boonebgorges Sorry, I wasn’t very explicit. I am visiting the user’s profile while logged in as an admin, which gives me the Admin options in the admin bar, including the option to “delete this user”. That way, it doesn’t work.

    I’m sure I can delete the user from within the WordPress interface, but that is what I want to avoid. So I want to find out what could be causing this BP error.



    +1 for making it work on a single WP install



    Do note though that the custom language solution doesn’t work if you want to customize text only in one place.

    For example, I want to rename ‘Home’ in the Group subnav to ‘Discussion’. Can’t be done using the language file for that would change all occurrences sitewide. I’m still at a loss how to do this, short of redifining bp_get_options_nav() (which I don’t like for other reasons).



    Is this post by Andy Peatling (“No firstname/lastname because this does not work for a lot of international users.“) still the official position or have things moved on?

    Just want to note that if it is, it seems a bit rash to me. Loads of internationalized websites do have this basic distinction, whole disciplines (academia) are built on it. Besides, alphabetical ordering of members is virtually meaningless without it.



    Here is a ticket related to this issue: .



    Just subscribing because I’m also interested in a solution to this.



    Socialpreneur has a nice snippet here that makes it easy to hide the admin from the members list assuming you know the admin’s login name.

    Place this in your bp-custom.php:

    function my_bp_member_user_login() {
    echo my_bp_get_member_user_login();
    function my_bp_get_member_user_login() {
    global $members_template;
    return apply_filters( 'my_bp_get_member_user_login', $members_template->member->user_login );

    Then in your members-loop.php file, place this just below the while statement (wrapped in php tags!):
    if ( my_bp_get_member_user_login() == 'admin' ) continue ;

    (Supposing your admin’s login is ‘admin’.)



    Editing core files is never the best way to go of course; you’ll lose your customizations once you upgrade BP.
    Better is it to redefine the function that is called. You would find the place where bp_get_options_nav() is defined, copy the function and place it in your bp-custom.php, rename it to something like my_bp_get_options_nav() and then make necessary customizations.

    bp_get_options_nav() is defined here, BTW (starting from line 91).

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