Forum Replies Created
It thought for a bit longer….then gave same “page not found”….
Question: should I try removing Buddypress inlcluding all tables…and installing BBpress first?
Edit: r-a-y – thanks for your tireless help! Suport ticket submitted on BBPress too: as you suggested
Sorry for delay…
There is a new column…owner/group…could that be relevant?
I was wondering about attempting a manual install using “install Plugins” to see if it would force a freestanding install.
yes it is.
Do I maybe need to drop additional tables? I dropped all ones prefixed with bb_
I took “load into root of domain” to be public_html folder….
so it is in public_hml/forums/
is this correct location?
Forums are disabled as per your previous instructions.
Groups are enabled. (should this be off too?)
Install url definitely is …correct? If so, what could I do to push the install if it wont accept the URL?
Good questions.
Uploaded to /forums/ [yes]
Add line to wp-config
OK. I tried backtracking to set up BBpress as separate forum.
-dropped all db files with bp_ prefix
-deleted bb_config file that was in public_html
bowsed to
but I keep getting “page not found”.
-resetting buddypress setup…..
-re-installing BBpress file over the top.
– manually configuring the bb-config-sample.php file like a manual install of WP.
Alll give page not found..what am I missing in my backtrack to manual install of seperate BBpress?
Actually I am trying to solve the same situation…only with more access levels Free Bronze, Silver and Gold.
I do have role manager running access to pages nicely via wishlist member…..and I need something to bridge to protect forums by role.
Thank you for the reply r-a-y and apologies for the stupid question.
I think the answer is YES for the following reason:
I do want to investigate the possibility of limiting access to certain forums to “groups” and then investigate how to link those groups somehow to “roles” from the WordPress side. answer still to add line of code to wp-config ?
Just checked DB: There are six lines all prefixed with wp-bb_ at the top of the list. So looks the internal integration has already happened before I began this process (above tutorial)
Just realized that I had run the integration process that comes with BP 1.2.3. before copying over bbPress file, renaming it as forums etc. and the bb-config.php file was already there.
So, when I got to step 4. i.e. browse to, there was not request to add in database information from wp-config.php file. It just asked be to add topic to a group etc. i.e. it seemed all setup already.
Am I on the right path, or do I need to backtrack (i.e. delete some files and start again) to get the forums to look integrated like they are here?
[WP 2.9.2 BP 1.2.3]
EDIT: ooops just noticed I posted without reading. 3Sixty: on my version of BP, there is an option to integrate and external bbPress, but since I did not have it installed, when I installed BP, I am not sure if I should backtrack to get the integration you are referring to.
Got it. thanks r-a-y
Thanks for this r-a-y.
Would you suggested tutorial also apply also for single WP installs?
or is there a better one?
Is there a way you know that would allow me to limit forums to roles beyond just the default “member”…
I have additional roles setup and would like to limit specific forums to those roles.
Last night I ran through a setup and successfully installed Buddypress 1,2,3 on WordPress 2.9.2 without hitch. Nothing inside WP-Wishlist member stopped working.
So for me it works with WP-Wishlist as Armand above says.
My next problem is to get the Thesis 1.6 Child theme (called Genealogies) to play nice with Buddypress
Thanks Bowe for the S2Member suggestion. I did see this while clicking around. Looking more closely, the two missing elements for us are:-
* the heavy lifting that WP-Wishlist does in working with payment processors outside paypal & affiliate systems.
* the private_tag protection of individual text that allows you to personalize the same page to show different content based on level…..(which can be also be a combination of all-access or “drip feed” for learning situations)
I really appreciate the suggestion. Thank you
Thanks Armand,
Was that a single install of WP or WPMU?
Regarding the question by Jeff Sayre (hello Jeff
on Why WP-Wishlistmember….. it adds the granular control to setup of access control to sections of content by level, but (more importantly for us) allow that content to be dripped out over time. …and the flexibility to show different content (anything including payment buttons, text, images etc) on the same page or post depending on the member’s level.
I’ve not yet seen anything else that allows us to do this. The closest solution was Amember, and that required separate dashboards. I am open to being shown how to do this in other ways with compatible buddypress plugins..
Support ticket back from WP-Wishlist today regarding integration with community features/plugins (like those offered by Buddypress) in the future
Thank you for your message.
I did a search for Buddy Press and Wishlist member and it appears someone was able to make the two work together.
With that being said, we do not have any documentation on or offer support for Buddy Press or for other plugins.
WishList is compatible with most plugins, but we just do not have the time to test them all. We wish we could.
We will start development for a forum add-on soon but I can’t give you a definite timeline at this point.
Take Care,
Thanks for any comments..
Wondering if anyone made progress integrating elements of Buddy press with Wishlist member. I have a single install of Worpress with pretty complex protection to content run by WLM (wishlist member). So we chose that functionality…and now would like to wrap some community around it.
We chose this last year prior to Buddy press being around. We also chose build on WPMU since multiple blogs were not needed now, and we are hoping the WP3.0 convergence will be a real one…and not end up being like Joomla was with 1.2 and 1.5
EDIT: Promising thread here: