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  • @dainismichel




    the word from me and my tech team:

    “it’s either Bill Gates or gremlins”

    • i do not have this setting set anywhere.
    • i do not have plugins installed that would cause such functionality.



    the only plugin i have that has the word “force” in it is “force regenerate thumbnails,” which was quite useful…

    i deactivated it just now…



    that setting did not work for me…

    …i still have unwanted forced “please upload your profile photo to start using this site” 🙁





    started happening on my site too…no idea why…no solution yet…



    i have an important project to finish, so i can’t post my setups right now — but honestly — i was hoping that others would post reasonable plugin and theme combinations that work well when installed. basically, combos where you can configure some settings, sure, but where you don’t have to do custom programming just to get basic community registration, splog protection, and member interaction to work properly.



    sure, i’ll post my setups in a bit. LOL. i was asking for functional setups (lists of plugins).



    it was a permissions error in a membership plugin — i fixed it.




    i’m tracking down the same info, plz keep me posted.

    i will cruise through the DB to see what i can find…




    it really works? there are a bunch of 1 star ratings.

    hmmm, maybe i’ll try it out again — thnx for the thread 🙂



    it would be wonderful, if the WPMUDEV team were to come out with its long awaited theme.

    currently, i own “Terso Theme” and WPLMS.

    you can buy premium wordpress themes that just plain break BuddyPress, so it is necessary to try things out.

    i also run a BuddyPress site with the 2012 theme. i don’t know why, but the activity stream is actually nicely styled and works properly, whereas other themes simply turned the activity stream into an ugly mess.

    one criteria for the theme is that certain key functionality has to work in a way that makes sense to users.



    what are the current settings that make sense?

    by “make sense” i mean: when you comment on something in the activity stream, that same comment appears under the blog post — so “not 2 different streams of comments with confusion as to where what works.”

    i mean: if you comment in the activity stream, that comment also appears under the blog post.


    “the activity stream takes you out to the blog post and you comment there.”

    for me, it doesn’t really “matter” which procedure takes place — but it does matter — that the procedure make sense and that the result be usable.

    this setting is important for our websites to actually make sense to users.

    interesting that i noticed this checkbox yesterday and wondered what would happen if i checked it on. of course, because of concern regarding the potential “non irreversibility” of said checkbox, i did not check it.

    anyway, my question is:
    what are the currents settings options regarding “Activity stream commenting on blog posts” that give the users a functional experience?




    a member sent me the same private message 4x within the same thread.

    i’d like to remove all but one of the messages and respond.

    it would be goofy to respond to the 4th message instance — because the message is exactly the same.

    so, ideally, i would remove instance2, instance2, and instance4, leaving instance1 and the keeping the thread in tact.



    look at multiple ways of importing the users.

    investigate the DB itself and make changes directly in the DB via SQL queries.

    create dev environments in which you export/import using various methods.

    probably the direct use of the DB itself will be the most reliable.

    check the original DB re duplicates.

    best wishes!

    ps: these are just a few off the cuff suggestions…maybe it’s another issue…maybe upon import a particular parameter on users forces them to become “pending.” you can either fix it before you import or after. or go via the DB and not any kind of “user import” feature…



    thank you so very very much @r-a-y, from my vantage point, this thread is closed.

    this was a real pivotal moment for me and my “relationship” with buddypress.

    u got me considering contributing regarding functionality planning & concept design — is there a “workgroup” that discusses such issues? is there a documentation workgroup?


    ps — if i remember correctly, i did edit some buddypress dox a while back. nothing much, just some precision edits.



    and it even says “View Conversation” which is a beautiful way to engage the user community 🙂

    it is SOOOO much better with this plugin activated.

    i think it makes sense to give site managers control over what appears in the activity stream. simple on/off.

    …at least for one of the communities i run, this plugin finally makes the place “make sense,” if you know what i mean. instead of a goofy online community w software that doesn’t really work — it’s turned into a place that functions well enough that people can actually use the website and engage with each other.

    thank you sincerely for making this plugin @r-a-y, i really mean it from the heart.



    is this an even “better” solution from even longer “ago?” LOL

    — really — has the nesting issue been resolved by some “checkbox” that i am missing?



    i changed it to

    div.activity-comments ul li > ul {
    margin-left: 0;
    padding-left: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;
    padding-bottom: 0;

    maybe there is a better solution, since this topic is so old and “resolved?”



    “Re: BP comment submission form looking great in Twenty Twelve.
    It’s using the same stylesheet enqueued by BP. The difference is that the style is not being overridden by the theme’s styles.”

    (by @mercime on a thread with a bit of “topic overlap”)

    thank you so much…so…that would mean that when the “breaks” BuddyPress styling, that it is likely that the theme is set to override BP’s stylesheet, but that the theme developers never actually made any BuddyPress styles.

    Would that be correct?

    Where is this “setting?” (if it exists)





    i think this setting is on the options-reading.php page in WordPress 2.0.1 and is now called:

    Search Engine Visibility 	
    Search Engine Visibility Discourage search engines from indexing this site
    It is up to search engines to honor this request.

    …not 100% sure though…



    here’s a post with some related code:

    anyone “got” some code where it’s pretty easy to just “turn on and off” what is and isn’t added to the activity stream?

    not seeing comments made to updates users make on their own profiles really makes people feel like nothing is going on at the site — but really what is happening is that members cannot see what others have posted — and if someone has dug down and noticed that a member made a status update in their profile — and commented on that update — well — that comment should really appear in the activity stream (but it doesn’t).

    is it clear what is going wrong? am i expressing the problem in a way others can understand?



    here’s what it looks like:



    resolved, thank you mercime


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