Lee started the topic Timestamp permlinks change after being clicked in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 11 months ago
Have a bug where the permalink in post timestamps is being rewritten to include the active logged in user’s name slug. The rewrite happens after the timestamp has been clicked and the opened page has begun to load. This causes the update link to load a page with no content instead of a page with the update in the content area of the theme.
For…[Read more]
Lee replied to the topic Seeking testers for Spam Destroyer in the forum Third Party Plugins 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Ryan, I tested the plugin but went with a different option (email domain blocking) due to the spammers being able to bypass every other tool used, including honeypot traps.
I noticed a bug in the beta version I downloaded in the early hours of this morning (v1.4.3): the tracking message wouldn’t click-off no matter which option I chose or who…[Read more]
Lee replied to the topic Seeking testers for Spam Destroyer in the forum Third Party Plugins 11 years, 12 months ago
Thank, Ryan. Will take a look.
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