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  • @gcortex


    In “members/admin/activity/” When i click on a member post and it opens in a page without the sidebar, the header is cutting out the logo… do you know how do edit this header without modifing the main header ( that fits ok )



    I think it will be easier a plugin that :

    1) Lock Buddypress to non registred users
    2) Allow to configure the welcome page as facebook does, with login area for registred, and register fields for non members and backgrounds, info, links on this welcome page.
    3) After the register process, show a page to upload avatar or skip this step.



    @r-a-y is there a way to uninstall forum instead of editing header.php ?
    If not, Im my case i have fishbook theme, child of bp-default … the right header.php to edit is the header of fishbook theme or bp-default ? Thx



    Thank you a lot … But what i´ve done, replaced the footer ( in fishbook ) with bp-default footer … so i could add more links there.



    @Carlos I think you´ve edited the footer.php … does anyone knows why when i edit the footer the admin bars disappears ?



    @JamieWade, did you change something in footer ? When i edit the footer in fishbook theme , the admin bar disappears. Does anyone knows how to solve it ?



    @pcwriter , i´m using fishbook´s theme for buddypress. I´ve changed the copyrights not removing the owner and buddypress but adding my company also there with another links above… the admin bar disappears.



    When i edited my footer.php in fishbook theme, the same occurs. Do you know how to add and edit the footer witout loosing the admin bars ?



    @techguy @tim-watt @mercime @jralph Does anyone can help me how can i add or change the fishbook theme footer ? If i change anything there my admin bar disapears and its not related with string .



    Can anyone send me how to change the footer without losing the admin bar ? i´m using fishbook theme and when i put my URL and other content there, even not replacing the copyright, my admin bar disappears.

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